里介绍了它在美国独立战争中的影响,重点说了那个独立战争期间,震撼世界的第一枪。当时的这场战争, 一直被用来宣传英国殖民者的残酷无情,一个世纪后,美国人给这场战争赋予了爱国主义的神圣色彩, 最出名的要数爱默生(Ralph Emerson)写的诗歌 Concord Hymn (看后面)和 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 的 Paul Revere's Ride. 1975年4月, Concord 隆重庆祝这场战争200年,福特总统亲临小镇,那个桥(Old North Bridge)上作了演讲。光有这些 ,还不足以显示它的重要地位。小小的Concord在美国文学史上,有显赫地位,人称18世纪在这里发动了一场革命,19世纪发动了另一场革命,文学革命;看看网上找来的下面这段话:
(https://www.usatour.com.cn/art/1012190/) 中国的读者知道康科德这个名字,大多源自《瓦尔登湖》(大清注:徐迟翻译)。的确,那就是美国作家亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau,1817-1862)的故乡。同时,它也是拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803-1882)、路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott,1832-1888)的故乡,也是霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne,1804-1864)居住的第二故乡。从我列具的四位作家的生卒年表上看,他们不仅是同乡,还是同时代,并且都为美国19世纪的重要作家。梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》自不必言,问世150多年来且常读常新,爱默生的演讲与随笔体的《论文集》,霍桑的《红字》,奥尔科特的自传体的《小妇人》等,不仅在美国而且在全世界文学格局中,都占有重要的位置。一个小镇,同一时代,竟然出现了这么几位重量级的作家,恐怕全世界也无二处。
下面来进到镇子里慢慢逛,感受这个历史小镇的历史、文化 。
我用google maps 制作的地图,显示它相对于波士顿的位置。
最近在这里闲逛了两次,一次是在Patriots' Day 前两天的星期六(4/14),天空阴沉;再一次是一个星期六之后,晴空万里。这个帖子把这两次的照片放一起了。
先看看镇容。这里是小镇西部(West Concord)一角。
街头的红、白、蓝,是星条旗颜色,通常是代表爱国的色彩.....这张是Patriot's Day前夕
对这里的教堂密度之高,印象非常深刻。这个是Meetinghouse of First Parish(1636)。上图左侧教堂是Holy Family Roman Catholic church(天主教)。
第二个深刻印象,是纪念碑塔园非常之多,折射这里的文化和历史。1866年Concord 修建的这个the Brave Men纪念碑,纪念"whose names it bears and records with grateful pride, that they found here a birthplace, home and grave".
在Holy Family Roman Catholic Church旁边的Old Hill historic cemetery(公墓)
By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled; Here once the embattled farmers stood; And fired the shot heard round the world. (大清注: 第一节最为人传唱)
The foe long since in silence slept; Alike the conqueror silent sleeps, And Time the ruined bridge has swept Down the dark stream that seaward creeps.
On this green bank, by this soft stream, We place with joy a votive stone, That memory may their deeds redeem, When, like our sires, our sons are gone.
O Thou who made those heroes dare To die, and leave their children free, -- Bid Time and Nature gently spare The shaft we raised to them and Thee.
拉尔夫•沃尔多•爱默生在一生中集著名哲学家、演说家、诗人和杂文家于一身。他出生在波士顿,就读于哈佛大学,一度当过一神教派的牧师,但不久便辞去圣职,因为他无法接受宗教教条之束缚。《康科德之歌》这首诗是为讴歌康科德之战的英雄而作,并于1837年在康科德革命爱国志士纪念碑落成典礼上被作为赞歌吟唱。1775年4月19日,美国民兵在康科德北桥抗击了英国军队。爱默生的诗歌使康科德之战永垂青史,而“声震全球的一枪(大清注:即那句the shot heard around the world)”这一诗句则成了美国革命之世界性影响的写照。直至20世纪30年代,这首诗一直都被收入美国教科书中,备受青睐。虽然爱默生素以杂文和演说著称,但一代代美国学生最初还是通过这首诗了解到爱默生的。
The name means middle Saxons and refers to the reputed ethnic origin of its inhabitants. 其中middle是指中部,Saxons是撒克逊人。 所以叫middle,是因为In early England, Middlesex County was between Essex (East Saxon Land) and Sussex (South Saxon Land),它在中间。
Originally it was just my guess that Concord grape maybe associated with a place. Now, if we can trust the the information from the web, Concord grape was named after town of Concord in MA.
The History of Concord Grapes
The Concord Grape -- A Native American
The grape for the millions -- Horace Greeley
A large dark-blue grape native to North America. -- Webster
A variety of grape having purple-black fruit with a bluish bloom, used for making jelly, juice and wine. -- American Heritage Cook Book
FROM SEEDS: Although commercial grape production dates back to the year 1000 B.C., it was not until 1854 that the Concord variety made its debut, appropriately named after the Massachusetts village of Concord where the first of its variety was grown. The Concord grape is a robust and aromatic grape whose ancestors were wild native species found growing in the rugged New England soil.