先学历史 芳龄:——今年26岁了 出身:——小鱼村 用PP说话: 26年前.荒芜的深圳 {Shenzhen at 26 years before}
终于有了人烟 {some people was moving in}
楼多了几个,人也多了起来 {more and more buliding and people in Shenzhen}
可是还是很荒芜 {but it was still being desolate}
就要修深南大道了 {Shennan avenue was under construction}
深南大道出现了,不过还是土路 {the oriented Shennan avenue appeared}
深南大道更像样了,还铺上了柏油 {Shennan avenue was improved}
这时的深圳还像一个破破烂烂的小县城 {Shenzhen still looked like a small town}
深圳的速度,一天一个样,带动了城市的全面发展 {"Shenzhen Speed" made Shenzhen different everyday}
杂闹的市区,逐渐出现了城市的面貌 {Messy City appeared}
经济进一步高速发展,高楼大厦也一栋栋拔起,快速赶上了各大城市 (Catching up the big cities in China)
经济迅速发展的深圳,吸引了全国各地大量人口的涌入 {rapidly development attracted a lot of people flowed in Shenzhen from every part of China)
此时的深圳就像开锅的工地 (Shenzhen continued to develop}
一个现代特大都市的雏形已显 (the figure of Modern City}
当时候的深圳就是罗湖,罗湖就是深圳,当时没有地王大厦的罗湖. (Luohu district without "Shun Hing Square"}
这时的深圳已经不满足于罗湖了,开始沿着深南大道向西扩张,所到之处便带来了新的生机~!! {Shenzhen was expanding}
高楼大厦日益密集的深圳已经在全国暂露头角,开始咄咄逼人 {Shenzhen was booming}
高楼拨起 (Skyscraper city Shenzhen}
1996年地王大厦建成,成为当时中国最高的大楼,也是深圳的标志! {"Shun Hing Square" was completed that was/is a landmark of Shenzhen and Tallest skyscraper in Asia in 1996}
10年前,这里便成了深圳的金融区 {financial center of Shenzhen at 10 years ago}
10年前繁华的深圳 {10 years ago, Shenzhen}
经济继续发展的深圳,沿着深南大道继续繁华的深圳 {Vibra Shenzhen}
10年前的深圳,已经开始变的漂亮了 {10 years ago, Shenzhen has started to become a beautiful city}
the other landmark of Shenzhen appeared, it is a 2nd tallest skyscraper in SZ - SEG Plaza...
进入21世纪的深圳 (Shenzhen in 21st Century}
本贴由[raindrops]最后编辑于:2007-2-16 4:58:42 www.ddhw.org--- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="https://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="https://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52101.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |