42) 667 根胡萝卜 Take the first 1000根胡萝卜, stop at 333公里, leave 334根胡萝卜; go back, take another 1000根胡萝卜, stop at 667公里 and leave 333根胡萝卜(along the way pick up the 334根胡萝卜 that were left at 333公里); go back, take the last 1000根胡萝卜 (along the way pick up the 333根胡萝卜 that were left at 667公里). 44) Mark 十瓶药 as A,B,C,-----,Jwww.ddhw.com From each bottle take a different number of pills, making sure that the sum of any two of these numbers does not equal the number of pills selected from any bottle. Example: take 1 from A, 2 from B, 4 from C, and 7,10,13,16,19,21, and 27 from the remaining bottles. 称一次; you should be able to 找出份量较轻的那两个药瓶 by the difference in weight from 1200克. www.ddhw.com 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="https://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;">