法庭实录(凭记忆):www.ddhw.com (为简化,法官=F, 警官=J, Salmonfish=S) www.ddhw.com 法官宣讲法庭程序。(诉方和辨方先陈述案由,然后是诉,辨方相互提问,最后法官裁决)www.ddhw.com F:Officer, you may start first.www.ddhw.com J:Thank you, Your Honor.www.ddhw.com At XX date morning, as usual I drove to………. Thank you.www.ddhw.com ---警官结束了他的起诉陈述。www.ddhw.com F:S, do you want to make further explanation?www.ddhw.com S: No, Your Honor, I don’t have further comment.www.ddhw.com J: OK, both sides agreed with the statement. Court, now, proceeds to the cross-examination.www.ddhw.com J: (法官转向警察) Do you have question to ask? F: No, Your Honor, I do not.www.ddhw.com J: (法官转向我) S, do you have any question?www.ddhw.com S: Yes, I do, Your Honor. J: You may proceed.www.ddhw.com S: Officer, you mentioned, in your statement, the enforcement of traffic law in the specified intersection was your routine duty, am I right?www.ddhw.com J: Correct. S: Then you must know THE intersection very well.www.ddhw.com Can you describe to the Court what the traffic sign looks like at the intersection, I mean THE traffic signS.www.ddhw.com ---警官想了半分钟左右,开始描述交通牌子的内容。。。。。。。www.ddhw.com ---当警官结束时,我递给他了一张该交通牌子的照片(同法官手里的那一张一模一样)。 S: Does it look like this?www.ddhw.com J: Yes. Yah,… I missed one plate.www.ddhw.com S: You did pretty well. But, you can see, we can not completely trust our memory. OK, let me ask you another question.www.ddhw.com In your statement, you said that at 7:30 am of that day you came to the area directly from station. Where is your station, in city A or city B? J: City B.www.ddhw.com S: Thanks. So you were coming from the direction opposite to the four cars that violated the traffic signal. Ok then, upon your arrival to the intersection, did you stop and check the traffic sign?www.ddhw.com J: No, I did not. I was in pursuit. S: Fair enough. Even you did stop, you could only see the back of the sign, not face of the sign. Last question.www.ddhw.com You have been in this station for 16 years, right? J: Yes.www.ddhw.com S: (Turn to the J) I have no more questions for the officer. BUT, I have a question for the Court. J: What is the question?www.ddhw.com S: Your Honor, have you wondered how I know this officer having been here for 16 years?www.ddhw.com ---(预先交给法官的那张纸条写着“the officer has been here for 16 years”) J: He could tell you.www.ddhw.com S: Why? Does he have to tell every ticket holder how long he has been in service here?www.ddhw.com J: No, He does not. S: Then, Your Honor, why had he told TO me about it?www.ddhw.com ---法官转向警察,问他:”why?”www.ddhw.com J: I…… don't recall it. S: Mind I remind you?www.ddhw.com ---法官转向我:“proceed.”www.ddhw.com S: I said to you “Officer, the traffic sign has been blown down, you'd better to go to check it out.” Then you refused and said that you had been here for 16years, and no need for me to tell you what to do.…….(当然了,我把他发火的事给隐瞒了).www.ddhw.com --法官问警察:”Is it true?” J: I couldn't remember.www.ddhw.com S: The FACT is that you did not go to check the sign, even after I told you so. In other words, the ticket issued to me by you on that specific day was based on your 16 years experience, but not based on the fact, which you could easily attain but you refused. ----Silence。。。。。。。www.ddhw.com ----一切似乎都被决定了。。。。。。。www.ddhw.com 再然后,就。。。。完了。
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