Both your proof and Sean's proof still rely on a sideway equilateral triangle ((3,2),(5,3),(4,4)). This is not needed, ie we will always have an equilateral triangle of the same face with its sides parallel to the original triangle's. The proof can go this way: Because T(3,2), we will have either F(2,1) & F(2,2) or F(2,1) & T(2,2). Then F(2,1) & F(2,2) => T(1,1) & T(4,1) & T(4,4) F(2,1) & T(2,2) => T(4,1) & F(3,3) => T(4,4) => F(1,1) => T(3,1) => F(5,1) => T(5,4) & T(5,5) If sideway can be used, we do not need 15 pennies. 10, or even the 7 in the middle, can produce a contradiction.