0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;">
Since there are 2 possible colors of hair, 2 possible colors of eye, 2 (I assume) types of head, there are totally 8 possible, we can use 3 digits of binary numbers to represent each case, for example (0,0,0) represent the type of dark hair, brown eye and 'sharp' (?) head.www.ddhw.com
Let f(a,b,c) be the percentage of type (a,b,c), to simplify notation, I will use '*' to represent both possibles for each criteria, e.g f(*, 1, 0) = f(1,1,0)+f(0,1,0) -- needless to say, f(*,*,*) = 1.
so the conditions becomes:
1) f(0,*,*) = 0.57 2)f(*,0,*) = 0.8 3) f(1,1,0) = 0 4) f(*,1,0) = f(*,1,1)
5) f(1,1,1) = f(0,1,1) 6) f(0,*,1) = 0.5 7) f(1,0,1) = f(1,0,0)
and as we know f(*,*,*) =1
so 8 variables, 8 equations, and we can solve for them and the answer is f(*,*,0).