I gave my love a cherry, that had no stone. 俺给爱人一个樱桃却没核。 www.ddhw.com I gave my love a chicken, that had no bone. 俺给爱人一只鸡却没有骨头。 I told my love a story, that has no end. 俺给爱人讲了一个故事却没有结尾。 www.ddhw.com I gave my love a baby, with no cryin'. 俺给爱人一个娃娃却不会哭。 How can there be a cherry, that has no stone? 这个樱桃怎么可能会没有核? www.ddhw.com How can there be a chicken, that has no bone? 这只鸡怎么可能没有骨头? How can there be a story, that has no end? 这个故事怎么可能没有结束? www.ddhw.com How can there be a baby, with no cryin'? 这个娃娃怎么可能不会哭? www.ddhw.com www.ddhw.com