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Solutions fo Jenny's Gold Coin questions. [:)]








发表于 2009-3-13 21:19:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Hope that this time I have provided correct solutions.

  Let 8个金币 = G1,G2,G3,------G8;  and let G1+G2+G3-----G8  =  G123---------8                                     www.ddhw.com

1st.)  Weigh G12, G34; then, (G12 <, > or = G34); if =, go to step 7www.ddhw.com

      2nd)  weigh G1234, G5678; then, (G1234 <, >, or = G5678);www.ddhw.com

1)       if 1st. weigh <, and 2nd. weigh <, then, G34 are 真金币;   www.ddhw.com

      3rd. weigh G56, G78; (G56 > or < G78);www.ddhw.com

     1a)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, 4th. weigh G15, G36; then, (G15 <, > or = 36)www.ddhw.com

i)                    if G15 < G36, G6 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

ii)                   if G15 > G36, G5 is the 重假币 and G2 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

          iii)        if G15 = G36, G5 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

     1b)   if 3rd. weigh <, then, 4th. weigh G17, G34; then, (G17 < or > G34)www.ddhw.com

                        i)         if G17 < G34, G8 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                     ii)        if G17 > G34, G7 is the 重假币 and G2 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

          iii)         if G17 = G34, G7 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answer


2)      if 1st. weigh <, and 2nd. weigh >, then, G12 are 真金币; then, www.ddhw.com

             3rd. weigh G56, G78; (G56 > or < G78);www.ddhw.com

    2a)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, 4th. weigh G37, G12; then, (G37 <, > or = G12)www.ddhw.com

i)         if G37 < G12, G4 is the 重假币 and G7 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                    ii)         if G37 > G12, G3 is the 重假币 and G8 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

         iii)         if G37 = G12, G3 is the 重假币 and G7 is the 轻假币---- Answer www.ddhw.com

     2b)   if 3rd. weigh <, then, 4th. weigh G35, G12; then, (G35 <, > or = G12)www.ddhw.com

                        i)         if G35 < G12, G5 is the 重假币 and G4 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                       ii)        if G35 > G12, G3 is the 重假币 and G6 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

          iii)        if G35 = G12, G3 is the 重假币 and G5 is the 轻假币---- Answer                         www.ddhw.com


3)      if 1st. weigh <, and 2nd. weigh =, then, G5678 are 真金币; www.ddhw.com

           3rd) weigh G13,G56; (G13 >,< or = G56);                                                                         www.ddhw.com

     3a)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, G3 is the 重假币 and G2 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

     3b)   if 3rd. weigh <, then, G4 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answer                      www.ddhw.com

     3c)   if 3rd. weigh =, then, 4th. weigh G1, G3; (G1 < or = G3)www.ddhw.com

i)                     if G1 < G3, G3 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answer                    www.ddhw.com

ii)                   if G1 = G3, G4 is the 重假币 and G4 is the 轻假币---- Answer


          4)  if 1st. weigh >, and 2nd. weigh <, then, G12 are 真金币; www.ddhw.com

              3rd. weigh G56, G78; (G56 > or < G78);www.ddhw.com

     4a)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, 4th. weigh G35, G12; then, (G35 <, > or = G12)www.ddhw.com

i)    if G35 < G12, G6 is the 重假币 and G3 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                    ii)    if G35 > G12, G5 is the 重假币 and G4 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

         iii)    if G35 = G12, G5 is the 重假币 and G3 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

     4b)   if 3rd. weigh <, then, 4th. weigh G37, G12; then, (G37 < or > G12)www.ddhw.com

                      i)         if G37 < G12, G8 is the 重假币 and G3 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                   ii)        if G37 > G12, G7 is the 重假币 and G4 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

         iii)        if G37 = G12, G7 is the 重假币 and G3 is the 轻假币---- Answer


       5)   if 1st. weigh >, and 2nd. weigh >, then, G34 are 真金币;

             3rd. weigh G56, G78; (G56 > or < G78);www.ddhw.com

    5a)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, 4th. weigh G17, G34; then, (G17 <, > or = G34)www.ddhw.com

i)    if G17 < G34, G2 is the 重假币 and G7 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                    ii)    if G17 > G34, G1 is the 重假币 and G8 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

         iii)    if G17 = G34, G1 is the 重假币 and G7 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

     5b)   if 3rd. weigh <, then, 4th. weigh G15, G34; then, (G15 < or > G34)                    www.ddhw.com

                        i)         if G15 < G34, G2 is the 重假币 and G5 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                     ii)        if G15 > G34, G1 is the 重假币 and G6 is the 轻假币---- Answer                           www.ddhw.com

          iii)        if G15 = G34, G1 is the 重假币 and G5 is the 轻假币---- Answer


        6)  if 1st. weigh >, and 2nd. weigh =, then, G5678 are 真金币;     www.ddhw.com

             3rd. weigh G13, G56; (G13 >,< or = G56);                                                                   www.ddhw.com

                6a)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, G1 is the 重假币 and G4 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

    6b)   if 3rd. weigh <, then, G2 is the 重假币 and G3 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

    6c)   if 3rd. weigh =, then, 4th. weigh G1, G3; (G1 > or = G3)www.ddhw.com

i)                    if G1 > G3, G1 is the 重假币 and G3 is the 轻假币---- Answer                        www.ddhw.com

ii)                   if G1 = G3, G2 is the 重假币 and G4 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com


7)      if 1st. weigh =,         www.ddhw.com

            2nd)  weigh G135, G246; (G135<, > or = G246)www.ddhw.com

 7a)  if 2rd. weigh <, then, 3rd. weigh G7, G8; (G7 < or > G8)www.ddhw.com

        if 3rd. weigh <, then, 4th. weigh G6, G8; (G6 < or > G8)www.ddhw.com

i)                    if G6 < G8, G8 is the 重假币 and G5 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

ii)                   if G6 > G8, G6 is the 重假币 and G7 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

             7b)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, 4th. weigh G6, G7; then, (G6 < or > G7)www.ddhw.com

i)                    if G6 < G7, G7 is the 重假币 and G5 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

ii)                   if G6 > G7, G6 is the 重假币 and G8 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com


     8)   if 1st. weigh =, and 2nd. weigh =, G123456 are 真金币; www.ddhw.com

          3rd. weigh G7, G8; (G7 > or G8); www.ddhw.com

               if 3rd. weigh >, then, G7 is the 重假币 and G8 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

               if 3rd. weigh <, then, G8 is the 重假币 and G7 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com



  Let 9个金币 = G1,G2,G3,------G9;  and let G1+G2+G3-----G9  =  G123---------9                                     www.ddhw.com

 1st.)  Weigh G12, G34; then, (G12 <, > or = G34); if =, go to step 7www.ddhw.com

      2nd)  weigh G1234, G5678; then, (G1234 <, >, or = G5678);www.ddhw.com

1)       if 1st. weigh <, and 2nd. weigh <, then, G34 are 真金币;   www.ddhw.com

      3rd. weigh G56, G78; (G56 >,< or = G78);www.ddhw.com

     1a)  if 3rd. weigh >, then, 4th. weigh G15, G36; then, (G15 <, > or = 36)www.ddhw.com

i)                    if G15 < G36, G6 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

ii)                   if G15 > G36, G5 is the 重假币 and G2 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

          iii)        if G15 = G36, G5 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

     1b)   if 3rd. weigh <, then, 4th. weigh G17, G34; then, (G17 < or > G34)www.ddhw.com

                        i)         if G17 < G34, G8 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

                     ii)        if G17 > G34, G7 is the 重假币 and G2 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

          iii)         if G17 = G34, G7 is the 重假币 and G1 is the 轻假币---- Answerwww.ddhw.com

     1c)   if 3rd. weigh =, then, 4th. weigh G1, G2; then, (G1 < or > G2)www.ddhw.com

i)                    if G1 < G2, G9 is the 重假币 and G1 is the


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发表于 2009-3-14 16:23:33 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-14 20:35:20 | 只看该作者


Thanks, I would like to 注册 after I know how to use the Chinese character function.
I enjoy your "thumbs up", smiling face, and flowers!

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