有两个红球,两个绿球,两个蓝球。每种颜色的两个球都是一轻一重。三个重球的重量一样,三个轻球的重量一样。用天平称两次能不能把轻重球分开? 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="https://www.TopChineseNews.com"; ; return false;"> Set six balls = R1,R2,G1,G2,B1,B2.
i) Weigh (R1,G1),(R2,B1) If (R1,G1)>(R2,B1); then R1>R2; G1> or= B1. ii) Weigh G1,B2www.ddhw.com If G1>B2; then R1,G1,B1 are heavier balls, and R2,G2,B2 are smaller balls. If G1 If G1=B2; then R1,G1,B2 are heavier balls, and R2,G2,B1 are smaller balls. If (R1,G1)<(R2,B1); then R1 ii) Weigh G1,B2 If G1>B2; then R1,G1,B1 are heavier balls, and R2,G2,B2 are smaller balls.www.ddhw.com If G1 If G1=B2; then R1,G1,B2 are heavier balls, and R2,G2,B2 are smaller balls. If (R1,G1)=(R2,B1); then G1> or< B1 ii) Weigh R1,R2 If R1>R2; then R1,G2,B1 are heavier balls, and R2,G1,B2 are smaller balls. |