多边形A1A2...An中有一个正多边形B1B2...Bn。B1在A1A2上,B2在A2A3上,..., Bn在AnA1上。已知A1B1=A2B2=...=AnBn。问A1A2...An是否也是正多边形? www.ddhw.com
Background: Some time ago the 4 sided version of this problem appeared at 情趣生活( https://www.heidisun.com/qqsh/viewtopic.php?t=208 ). And the answer is yes. Later the three sided version appeared at WXC, known as IBM puzzle: 初等几何 ( https://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=netiq&MsgID=29622 ). The answer is also Yes. I posted both problems here but nobody is interested. Probably you all have seen them. Now I made up this problem and they should not have appeared anywhere. Give it a try?