《好消息和坏消息》 坏消息 日本人和印度人同事掌握了足以毁灭世界的技术 好消息 他们都只掌握了一半 坏消息 他们掌握的刚好是分别的两半,凑在一起还是能毁灭世界 好消息 世界各国联合起来避免他们接触 坏消息 他们的特工还是在们隐秘的地方见面了 好消息 他们用英语交谈 世界得救了
记者:Anand Ranganathan
I spend a good few hours wandering around. It is approaching late evening but families are out in their droves. They are all dancing or roller-skating or shopping. Soon it’ll be night time but no one’s in a hurry to head back home – they don’t seem to be addicted to TV debates here. New-found wealth has truly numbed the population into the trappings of the upper middle class. Even the smallest shopping mall is bigger than Delhi’s Emporio, where shop floors are little more than overflowing warehouses, and the workers of the world seem to have united under the hammer and the sickle and gone shopping.
我花了好几小时的时间到处游荡。时间已经逼近晚上,但是(中国)家庭成员们还是成群结队的聚在外面。他们全部有跳舞的、滑旱冰的、买东西的。很快晚上就要 到来,但是没有人匆忙的要回家 – 这里他们似乎不沈迷看电视辩论。新发现的财富已经实际麻痹居民,而且渗透到中上阶层的装饰上。即便是最小间的购物中心也比新德里的Emporio更大间, 那里的商场地板也比塞满货的仓库还要多一点。而且这个世界的工人似乎是在锤子和镰刀下团结一致,然後去购物。
Walking around Tianjin, its hotel lobbies, its massive open spaces, and another facet of this new China is revealed to me. No one here understands a word of English! Not one word. This has come as quite a shock. I was expecting – seasoned with all those documentaries of how the Chinese are learning English faster than we are forgetting Sanskrit, of how all our BPO jobs will be at risk come 2020 – I was expecting the people here to blurt quaint English phrases like “Goodness me – turned out nice and warm today, hasn’t it, dear?” at unsuspecting tourists – but nothing of the kind. Far from it, in fact. The McDonald’s staff – and they have all formed a helpful ring around me – doesn’t know what a “burger” is (I’m sure they know what it’s called in Mandarin). Worse, they are all laughing and giggling at me when I repeat the word “vegetarian” three times, each time with losing hope.
在天津到处走走,它的酒店大厅、它的巨大的开放空间,以及这个新中国的另一面都向我展现。这里竟没人懂一句英语!一个字也不懂。这已经相当震撼。我本来期 待着 – 这些加料的纪录材料显示中国人学习英语的速度比我们忘记梵文还要快,而(中国人的英语优势将使)我们所有的外包业务将在2020年处於险境。我本来期待这 里人脱口说出奇特的英语,像是"Goodness me(老天) – 这句现今听起来很好又温暖。不是吗,亲爱的?" 就不佳怀疑的游客来说会是如此,但是根本不是那样。还差的远,事实上,麦当劳的人员,他们都比出ok手势 – 不知道"汉堡"是什麽 (我很肯定他们知道汉堡的普通话)。更糟的是,他们一直在嘲笑并对我咯咯笑,当我说着 “vegetarian”(吃素)三次时,每一次都失去希望。
A few days later, I finally get the answer to why the Chinese don’t know a word of English. It’s because they don’t want to. Every factory, every cutting edge scientific institute or ultra-modern university I am ferried to, the signs are ominous. Metaphorically. Literally, they are all in Mandarin. The Chinese, I realise, now want the world to learn their language and not the other way round. It has finally dawned on them, the reason why the world learnt English, or French. Language is the first weapon; it’s the first of the many arrows that are let loose against unsuspecting people under the garb of global camaraderie and unity.
The Chinese understand this like the English or the French did before them. And they know this, too, that as surely as the sun rises and sets, the world will have to learn Mandarin, that they only have to endure a few more years of a befuddled visitor trying to make them understand with hand gestures what a burger is. They know that in the very near future this same visitor will walk confidently inside McDonald’s and thump the counter with his fist – like in the old Moods condom advert – and demand a “han bao”.
几天後,我终於得到为何中国人不懂英语的答案。这是因为他们不想。每一家工厂,每一个尖端的科学研究所或超现代的大学,告示牌个个都是坏兆头。隐喻上,字 面上,他们全部都是用汉语(写成)。我知道中国人,现在想要世界学习他们的语言,反之则不一样(中国人不必学英语)。他们终於明白了,为何全世界学习英 语,或法语。语言是第一利器;在全球情谊和团结下,让放纵去对待毫无准备的人们
中国人清楚英国人或法国人在他们之前做了。而且他们也知道这点,想必就如太阳上昇和落下一样,世界将必须学中文,他们只需要再多几年忍受像一个糊里糊涂的 游客尝试用手势要他们明白汉堡是什麽。他们知道在不远的将来,这个同样的访客将自信地走进麦当劳,然後用他的拳头猛力一拍柜台 – 就像Moods陈旧的避孕套广告里的 – 并且说着要点一份"汉堡(han bao)"。
They are happy to wait. 他们是乐於等待的。www.ddhw.com