Let's denote H4 ={G1, G2, G3, G4}; H5={G1,G2,..,G5}..... Obviously a soultion to H5, confined on H4 will also be a solution of H4. We can also say that this restricted solution on H4 can be 'extended' to H5. We can show the following:www.ddhw.com (1)if a solution of H4 can be extended to Hm (m>=5) then it can be extended to H5,H6,...Hm (2)There is at least one solution of H4 that can be extended to any Hm (m>4), let's pick one of such a solution, S4=(C1,C2,C3,C4), where the Ci's are the colors for each country of H4. Now, move to H5, by similar argument we can prove that, we can pick a color C5, so that S5=(C1,C2,C3,C4,C5) can be extened to H6,H7, ..... and so on..... www.ddhw.com