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分享 【随意随拍】新西兰北岛行 - 地热仙境 (Wai-O-Tapu)
2014-6-10 18:51
【随意随拍】新西兰北岛行 - 地热仙境 (Wai-O-Tapu)
【随意随拍】新西兰北岛行 - 地热仙境 (Wai-O-Tapu) 作者 随意风 新西兰北岛中部的罗托鲁瓦 (Rotorua) 被称为是 “ 坐落在火山口上的城市 ”, 间隙泉 , 地热喷泉以及沸腾的泥浆池到处可见 , 整个城市蒸气弥漫 , 硫磺产生的臭鸡蛋味到处可闻 . ...
10508 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 4
分享 为什么必须阻止加州限制华人法(英文)
2014-2-28 18:20
The Hernandez proposition (SCA-5) to reintroduce racial preferences in the operation of California public education system has recently generated a lot of public debate. In this paper, we identify and analyze the problems that Sen. Hernandez attempts to address by race based ...
16520 次阅读|0 个评论


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