First of all, divide all these 32 coins into four groups, say A1, A2,
A3, A4, each group has 8 coins. Bottom line is, the two bad coins can
either be in two separate groups, or in a same group. And we will find
it out.
I believe the key is that you have to remember which side is heavier
across different weighs.
Weigh A2 and A3:
If A2 == A3 then: (1st time)
It is possible that one of each bad coins is in one of these two
groups, or none of the bad coins is in any of these two groups.
Then weigh A1 and A4: (2nd time)
if A1 == A4 :
perfect, things are figured out. A1 + A2 == A3 + A4 (FIGURED OUT
if A1 > A4:
then, both bad coins are in either A1 or A4:
Now split A1 and A4 into four sub-gorups (A11, A12, A41 and A42),
each group has 4 coins. Now weigh A42 + A12 against A41 + A11 (3rd time),
if (A42 + A12 == A41 + A11):
if (A42 + A12 > A41 + A11):
then the two coins must be in either A12 or A41, because
by switching the place of A11 and A42 didn't change the
direction of the inequality, therefore neither A11 nor A42 has
any bad
Now split A12 and A41 into four smaller groups (A121,
A122, A411, A412), each has two coins. Now weigh A412 +
A122 against A411 + A121:(4th time)
if (A412 + A122 > A411 + A121):
then the bad coins are both in either A122 or
A411 (the direction of inequality doesn't
change). Because now A122 and A411 only have
two coins each, simply split these two groups
in half and add the filtered out groups into
each half, you will get the result. (FIGURED
if (A412 + A122 == A411 + A121):
then problem solved (FIGURED OUT AT 4th
if (A412 + A122 < A411 and A121):
same as the first case, just now either the
A412 or A121 has both bad coins, now split
these two groups and add the filtered out
groups into each half. (FIGURED OUT AT 4th
if (A42 + A12 < A41 + A11):
then the two coins must be in either A42 or A11, follow
the above
If A2 > A3 then:
At this point, there are two possibilities:
1. both bad coins can be in either A2 or A3
2. one in A2 or A3 and one in A1 or A4
Weigh A1 and
if (A1 > A4):
Then you know the following possibilities:
1. both A1 and A2 have one bad coin;
2. or both A3 and A4 have one bad coin;
Anyways, A1 + A3 == A2 + A4, problem solved (FIGURED OUT
if (A1 < A4):
Then you know the following possibilities:
1. both A1 and A3 have one bad coin;
2. or both A2 and A4 have one bad coin;
Anyways, A1 + A2 == A3 + A4, problem solved (2FIGURED OUT
if (A1 == A4):
Then you know for sure both bad coins will be either A2 or
A3. Go to the text labled "MAIN PROCEDURE" and apply the
same process on A2 and A3,