1. 作点A, B间距记作1 2. 分别以A, B为圆心, 以1为半径作弧, 相交于C,D 3. 以C为圆心, 以CD为半径作弧DE, 以D为圆心以1为半径作弧CE, E为两弧的一个交点. 4. 分别以C, E为圆心, 以1为半径作弧, 相交与F, G A,B,C,D,E,F,G即为所求的七点. 咦, 我的直尺呢? “弧CE”似应为“弧AE”或“弧BE”. www.ddhw.com Using your method, I produced the graphic that appears below (six right triangles). I don't think that this is correct. Where did I go wrong? www.ddhw.com I would appreciate your comments on this. Please include a graph if possible. www.ddhw.com 0C 0G www.ddhw.com 0A 0B 0Ewww.ddhw.com 0D 0Fwww.ddhw.com www.ddhw.com