看到三文兄的sick method?! but effective计劃,看着不错:www.ddhw.com 〝Simple method without increase of single penny for the budget:www.ddhw.com
At the end of every month, based on the employees' performances, line them up. Who is at the bottom, who will get a pink slip. A new comer will fill the hole.0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0))
document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;">www.ddhw.com
(Want a more humane treatment?) then: Who is at the bottom, who will be moved to sit on the cold stool without payment until the end of next month (to replace the new loser). Maximum three stroke rule should be implied, that is, if one has been the loser for 3 times in a row, he/she should be fired permanently. In this way, the bottom line of service is going higher and higher through the competition between employees themselves. www.ddhw.com 好处--让他们人人感到自危罢了。 www.ddhw.com 能有效提高工作效率--这种环清工作是每人包干一片,不可能大家都挤到一起,吃大锅饭。www.ddhw.com 为了避免被开,每个人心中都有一个自己的“bottom line", 即“我要比至少一个他人干得好”。这样一来,不用定什么烟头,废纸,垃圾等等项目了。www.ddhw.com 如果你把烟头捡了,那我就不但把烟头捡了,而且把地面擦了。至少要比你强。你呢,又会要做得比我, 或比一个他人更好。。。这样循环下去,最终,每人恨不得用舌头将自己包干的地域舔干净。www.ddhw.com 换句话说,要想保住饭碗,没有我做得多好多好之说,只有我做得比他人更好。最终被开的人不是因为偷懒或做得不好,是因为他没有比别人做得更好。www.ddhw.com www.ddhw.com 理想结论是汰弱留強--Do I care about how they know their performances being better than others or not? No, that is their own business. If they like, they can go around to check others' works. If they don't, at their own wills, they are at their own risk. My business is to go around all areas to check the result, and to compile the performance chart, and to prepare the pink slip. 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0))
document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;">www.ddhw.com
If you don't care of your position, go ahead, do whatever you like, and you know that you'll not collect next paycheck here. Furthermore, always somebody will like to fill in.〞 有免费好计劃,不用就笨,即时落实執行,这又为大懒虫官员帶来上級嘉许就不说啦!一个月已过,老实人是第一个被点名警告员工,第ニ个月还是老实人。到第三个月老实人工作表现未有寸进,反而有倒退现像,理所当然www.ddhw.com 被辞去。www.ddhw.com www.ddhw.com 问题出来了,〝每人恨不得用舌头将自己包干的地域舔干净。〞的场面不但未出现过,各人工作表现从工作表现表数据看来都有倒退跡像。管理员落实每天到各街道查看各员工工作表现,表现表数据绝对真实可靠,亦未看到员工偷懒情况,就是再看不到员工工作积极性,究竟为什么会这样,计劃出了什么问题?www.ddhw.com www.ddhw.com 说回失业的老实人,潛水顶顶,看到我似乎有办法破解三文兄的改革计劃,求救於我。我只略为点化,他就以此入禀法院控告有关政府无理解雇,自发性全市大罢工支持,不幸又被我言中。还震动省政府,最终法院亦宣判解雇无理,罚则不作讨论!究竟我以什么理由为老实人平反,大前题三个月数据完全真实无误。www.ddhw.com www.ddhw.com 为平息民怨,不但老实人即时復工,大懒虫官员不用说要被革走,当地政府还在等更好的保洁改革建议呢! |