16 balls = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p, distributed into four groups, each group containing two sets of two balls. Weigh (a+b) and (c+d)....(m+n) and (o+p). Three conclusions are possible: 1) Of the four groups, each set is the same weight. 2) One group is of different weight. 3) Two groups are of different weight. www.ddhw.com If 1) occurs, change the combination in each group. E.g., (a+b) and (c+d) become (a+c) and (b+d). When this is done and the four groups are weighed again, one group will contain two sets of different weight. When the combination is changed again and one set of balls is weighed singly, then if their weight is equal, the other two are non-standard balls. If their weight is different, they are non-standard balls. (At most, weigh the balls nine times.)www.ddhw.com If 2) occurs, weigh each set singly, then combine the lighter ball with the heavier ball, and select one set and weigh it singly again. If their weight is equal, the other two are non-standard balls. If their weight is different, then these two are non-standard. (Weigh a total of seven times.) www.ddhw.com If 3) occurs, change the set combination in two groups ( combine the heavier set and the lighter set ) and weigh again. The weight of only one group set will be different. Weigh each set singly, combine the lighter ball with the heavier ball, and select one set and weigh it singly. If their weight is equal, then the other two are non-standard balls. If the balls are of different weight, these two are non-standard. (Weight a total of seven times.) www.ddhw.com