Halal (حلال, ḥalāl, Halaal) is an Arabic term designating any object or an action which is permissible to use or engage in, according to Islamic law and custom. It is the opposite of haraam. The term is widely used to designate food seen as permissible according to Islamic law. It is estimated that 70% of Muslims worldwide follow halal food standards and that the global halal market is currently a $580 (U.S.) billion industry. In the Arabic language, the word 'halal' refers to anything that is permissible under Islam. Islam has laws regarding which foods can and cannot be eaten and also on the proper method of slaughtering an animal for consumption, known as dhabiĥa. Explicitly forbidden substances A variety of substances are considered as harmful (haraam) for humans to consume and, therefore, Forbidden as per various Quranic verses: * Pork meat (i.e. flesh of pig)[Qur'an 2:173] * Blood[Qur'an 2:173] * Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but God. All that has been dedicated or offered in sacrifice to an idolatrous altar or saint or a person considered to be "divine". [Qur'an 2:173] [Qur'an 5:3] * Carrion[Qur'an 2:173] * An Animal that has been strangled, or beaten to death, or killed by a fall, or gored to death, or savaged by a beast of prey, except that which you may have slaughtered while it was still alive; [Qur'an 5:3] * Food over which God's name is not pronounced. [Qur'an 6:121] * Alcohol and other intoxicants. [Qur'an 5:90-91] * Smoking E.G Tobacco , Weed Etc Lawful, to you is all water-game, and that which the sea brings forth, [Qur'an 5:96] --- |
符合教规的食物(伊斯兰教)(阿拉伯语:حلال,英语:Halaal,halāl,halal),在非穆斯林国家指的是符合伊斯兰教规条可食用的食物;在穆斯林占多数的国家不仅指可食之物,而是一套生活方式,言语、行为、衣着皆受约束。与符合教规的食物 (犹太教)有一些相似的地方。 与清真(阿拉伯语:حلال,英语:Halaal,halāl,halal)相对的称为“不洁的”(阿拉伯语:حرام,英语:Haraam,harām)。与符合教规的食物 (犹太教)不同,除了猪肉、血、未经合法屠宰的牲畜、腐尸、食肉鸟兽外,酒以及一切毒品亦属禁止之列。鱼不可以击打或横断的方式处理,否则亦属不洁。各派亦在界定某些物种为合法食物存有争议,例如虾、蟹及贝类海产,但多数视之为清真。 --- |
清真肉类有特殊要求。象牛肉,在宰杀牛时,要让阿訇去念经,否则就不是以阿拉的名义宰杀的,就不算干净的。 不过,我不知道杀鸡时要不要让阿訇念经。真要念的话,阿訇要忙坏了,最多只能让阿訇给一大群鸡一起念经。 |
秀坛人笔兄真是奇人!奇才! |
做鸡无罪,炸08有理 笔兄总能带来新鲜玩意,喜欢喜欢 --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location=""; ; return false;" src="" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
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