沙滩上很多这种小螃蟹,跑得极快 拍照的前两天瓦胡岛刚下了几天的暴雨,所以海水看上去有些脏 看这样子好像又要下雨啦 不知道为什么这个地方要叫Chianman's hat? 海滩对面就是一座山,山下是个牧场,在夏威夷的瓦胡岛上据说还是挺有名的 本贴由[aya]最后编辑于:2009-1-10 6:23:38 |
上面标题也留着 --- |
这是个丰腴的好地方! 喜欢看倒数第2张,天上的云,很有气势。狗尾巴草也拍得很好看! The most famous volcanic crater in the world is Diamond Head, located on the South-east Coast of O'ahu at the end of Waikiki overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It was originally named Laeahi by the ancient Hawaiians. The name meant "brow of the tuna" and looking at the silhouette of the crater from Waikiki, you can see the resemblance. The current name came was given to the crater by British sailors in the 1800's. When they first saw the crater at a great distance, the calcite crystals in the lava rock appeared to glimmer in the sunlight. The sailors mistakenly thought there must be diamonds in the soil. Diamond Head is a crater that has been extinct for 150,000 years. The crater is 3,520 feet in diameter with a 760-foot summit. When the United States annexed Hawaii in 1898, harbor defense became a main responsibility. One of the major defense forts, Fort Ruger, occupied the Diamond Head Crater. A battery of canons was located within the crater providing complete concealment and protection from invading enemies. An observation deck was constructed at the summit in 1910 to provide target sighting and a four level underground complex was built within the walls of the crater as a command post. A 580-foot tunnel was dug through the crater wall to provide easier access to the Fort. -- from the web http://www.hawaiiweb.com/html/diamond_head.html --- |
谢谢 Oahu岛上好玩儿的地方还不少,还有夏威夷群岛的其他几个岛都各有特色,回头有机会去的话,再跟大家分享 |
呵呵,回抱 |
这里的都是我的朋友。 |
令人向往的温暖的好地方 --- |
俺也想去Diamond Head。请ayaMM当导游。 --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
快来吧,我自己一个人都快郁闷死啦 |
看得仔细,应该是waikiki |
“叹”兄(虽不知您的性别,但四海之内皆兄弟,暂以“兄”称之): 见帖好! 至上次您发帖后已有数日,甚为担忧“叹”兄的身体状况。因为不成想几张涂鸦照片会为仁兄带来如此的痛苦,从您所留的名字中就可以看出。即便在这么痛苦的情况下,您还能强忍痛楚而委婉地告知“好景却被摄影技术给糟蹋了”,阅后令人痛心疾首,无不感慨“叹”兄忧国忧民的热血心肠。然,照片事小,“叹”兄身体为大。往后,“叹”兄遇见我这样不自量力的人的机会还会很多,大可惜字如金,甚或一笑了之,切不可耗费时间和精力于此,切记切记。当初发照片之时,未多考虑摄影技术一事,确是我的疏漏,也实属无奈。我非专业人士,亦无专业器材,所剩无几的只有一颗想寻找美丽,创造美丽和分享美丽的心,并将这种想法付诸实践,我以为足矣,好坏那是后话,已不重要。不知“叹”兄以为如何? 中国传统新年将至,祝“叹”兄及秀坛的各位兄弟姐妹在新的一年里笑口常开,身体健康,万事如意......o(∩_∩)o...新年快乐 |
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