When I asked the organizer why the perfomance of cheerleader was not on TV, the answer was: afraid of high risk of brain stroke for certain Chinese audience.
After 11:00 pm, the party is still going hot
Superman, Spiderman, etc. etc.
A strange allience between Russia and Germany fans (They cheer for Russia when Russia plays with USA, and for Germany when Germany plays with Italy)
Cheeck this guy out, Two Cannons beside him. (our Big Cat?)
This America guy wears a fanny T-shirt. I called him and took this. You read it out.
Beach volleyball - Games volunter strike gold By Jane Barrett BEIJING (Reuters) - Olympic volunteers won their own pursuit for gold on Sunday -- finding a lost wedding ring in a huge sand pit at the women's beach volleyball. When Olympic champion Kerri Walsh jumped up to block the ball in her opening match, the gold band flew off her finger. The ever-smiling American, who is married to fellow beach volleyball player Casey Jennings, carried on as if nothing had happened but after the end of the morning session volunteers were dispatched to find the ring. Armed with metal detectors, they combed through the deep sand. Finally there was a beep and one of them, Song Zhendong, dug the ring out. "I try my best to help others. I feel honoured to have found Kerri Walsh's wedding ring and I don't need any special thanks," said Song. 本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2008-8-13 12:2:12 --- |
可能是转播开幕式时。 说米国派了cheerleaders到中国训练, 让中国MM学习米国最先进的啦啦技术 --- |
国际在线报道:韩国联合通讯社、《国民日报》网络版等媒体近日报道了北京奥运志愿者翻遍沙排赛场,为美国运动员找回结婚戒指的感人一幕。 10日上午,美国女子沙滩排球运动员沃尔什在北京朝阳公园举行比赛的过程中,丢失了戴在左手上的结婚戒指。10点多比赛结束后沃尔什没能找到戒指,只好离开了现场。 当天下午3点左右,得知美国选手在比赛中丢失结婚戒指后,中国的奥运志愿者们不顾赛场已经重新进行了整理,特意找来金属探测器,寻遍整个比赛场地以及观众席的每一个角落,终于为沃尔什找到了戒指。 ------------------------------------ 华奥星空讯 北京时间8月12日消息,在今天在朝阳公园沙滩排球场进行的一场女子沙排比赛中,卫冕冠军、美国组合沃尔什/特雷纳以2-0击败古巴组合费尔南德斯/拉里亚。 沃尔什感谢志愿者为她找回了在周日与日本组合比赛中丢失的结婚戒指,她说:“我遇到了发现我的戒指的志愿者,我走近他,感谢他,他浑身湿透了。 找到了戒指,我现在相当快乐,当我意识到丢了戒指时,我潸然泪下,但组委会发动志愿者帮我找,终于找到了。现在我要在戒指上绑上绷带。” 在被问及和2004年雅典奥运会时相比是否有进步时,沃尔什说:“当然了,我们风格不同了,打球更稳妥了,我们控制了比赛节奏,我们更有耐心,我们知道如何赢得金牌,希望我们能获得金牌。” 特雷纳说:“除非获得冠军,否则我们是不会满意的。和雅典奥运会时相比我们有了提高,我们越来越好了。我很高兴,我看了拳击比赛,很有趣,我会努力争取多看些比赛,今天我会去看举重,我还想探望在这里的家人,昨天我去逛商场了,我还参观了故宫。” 古巴选手费尔南德斯说:“和她们比赛我们不能犯错误,因为她们不犯错误,不过我们还没有出局,我们现在一胜一负,下场我们的对手是日本组合,那将是一场重要的比赛。” 拉里亚说:“我们还有晋级16强的机会,我们会认真对付日本组合,她们打得很好,她们身材不高,但士气很高。”(楚海洋) --- |
真的空了不少位子。 谢谢三文兄分享好片片! 好像也去了比赛现场了。 --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
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