第五张那哥们是不是捞浒苔的?? www.ddhw.org--- |
no, lake to street --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
didn't you see the street tour bus?! --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
这个帖子给我的突出印象是, 整洁、清爽。想起小时候邻坐的那些女同学们了 , 她们的作业本上,总是干干净净、整洁规矩,还一丝不苟, 写错的地方擦干净后还留下些白色的痕迹。 湖MM这些给我完全类似的印象,特别是头6张,还有垂柳 的那张。安大略湖固然美丽清纯,你的这些视角 选得也相当好。 (BTW,我喜欢简洁的画面,虽然自己时常也拍乱糟糟的东东 ) --- |
这好象是从 Harbor Square 安大略湖拍过去的照片。对面湖心岛的绿树隐约可见,这是多伦多为数不多的,拍出照片不全是水的地方。其它地方,向安大略湖拍照,那就跟海一样。
那艘大帆船,它的停泊港湾是 Spadina 走到头的那个码头。
安大略湖就不一样了。那湖里的鱼都很大,随便用个竿子,拴条线,绑个大钩子,用面筋团去湖里钓鱼,能钓上很大的鲤鱼,或其它鲤科鱼来。钓到后,要好好量一下,要是太大了,就得扔回湖里去。安大略湖里太大的鱼不能吃。光从这一点,就能看出:同样是湖,但此湖非彼湖。 |
俺说的是 杭嘉湖 to --- |
笔GG is so knowledgeable! My workplace is just across the street. You are right! I love water, boats and fish. It seems that you are quite familiar with Toronto. Welcome to Toronto again! --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
能在那里工作,真好! 几步路外,就是央街的湖边起点。那是世界上最长的“街”。它从多伦多起始,到渥太华结束。湖边有介绍央街的铭牌。 多伦多的高楼几乎全集中在那一带了。杭MM是“城里人”了。 那里唯一不好的是:停车太贵。路边找米表,几乎是不可能的。 |
I know a good place to park. Amazing that you are so familiar with Toronto. How many times have you been here before? You must be a professional traveller. --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
Let's do it some day. --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
杭嘉湖! It is A beautiful name! No wonder you have this 湖 imange in YOU! I, bet you just as the same as the 湖 = Peaceful and joyful = your personnilty! Am I corret about YOU? dear mm! |
多伦多是一个有魅力的城市。每九个加拿大人中,有一个多伦多人。把这个拓展出去,那就是:多伦多是加拿大的九分之一。 笔在这里偷换概念了。 曾经喜欢去华皇自助餐,那里的龙虾或温哥华大蟹随你吃多少。心里总想,老板要不了几天就被客人吃穷啦!可那家餐馆一直在那里,还开了分店。不过,分店的菜色,不如原来总店的。 清晴常拍多伦多街景,你常拍安大略湖的景致,风格有所不同。但让人从不同角度去看多伦多。有机会,再拍些多伦多照片贴上来。先谢了! |
难道,小小MM也在多伦多? 这多伦多不是成了顶顶MM们的大本营了? |
湖MM not only : 说的话好, I, believe everything else , she is 真好! Do you believe my vision? Is 湖MM married? If you do, your husband is very blessing to have you! If you don't , who ever marry you is a Luckey MAN! |
Is 小小MM in NY, which is not far from here? --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
Travel means : trip to distant place. Canada is the place that I am planing to go next. Many thanks for you to show it to us. Now, I have some ideas about where should I go for visit. |
YOU 是个导游。Wow, what a nice and jouful job you have! I am so glad that you are a 导游! Do you mind to give us your name card, so when we need to go travel --I mean to your place , we have no worrys? Many thanks |
三公子也有此体会的 confused? me 2. --- |
同样是湖,但此湖非彼湖。Wow what a nice way to say to some-body, or some-things! No wonder You don't need a neam for youself. You are very confindent of your self! Man! this is the way to go ! |
Oh--I see! Thank you to teach me these new : compter language! I like your name of 大清太平 , in deed : It shows to me : YOU ARE A HIGH-SPRIT Man! Correct? But I am going to call you dd anyway! because I am older than you! |
NO! 大清的意思是 : He is 大, ---so he knows better! am I right 大清 DD ??? |
这个论坛里,到目前为止,似乎只有履虎尾兄真正地 比我长,还有然老弟比我小,其他人应该基本上不相 上下(+/-5岁),另有1-2人比我小些。(说的都是男生们 ) tong-tong兄言辞沉稳,想必和我一个量级吧 --- |
Topchinesenews= Uniqe 's knowledge = powful group. GG or DD : ~~ + 大清太平+ 笔名 = Powful goup for topchinesenews. I, am nothing! But I have A good ears + A good eyes+ A speaknees = The # 7's sense in me. If I am not correct about it, Please correct my earros. many thanks! I am willing accept any corrections from my GG or DD or JJ or MM. I know your eyes just as good as mine! perhaps, better than Mine. |
tong-tong:很高兴我的帖子对你有所帮助启发。 欢迎你来多伦多旅游。 --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
By the way, I would let you be the GG if you promiss 2 things: 1. Keep your way ,to be a good example for every-one in here! 2. Stay your smile with US ( = GG+DD+ JJ + MM ) In here. It's a deal?Many thanks for you say : No problem! |
I am so happy to see GG smile Now. Many thanks for bring your smile to the ' I walk and I show ,--' ( Can you write it in Correct English, please gg?) site. You are acting like big brother. in deed. |
I sure do enjoy your 帖子! it is very interesting and enjoyable! I am going to take your word for to go visit 多伦多 as soon as I can. I, hope! by next year! Many thanks for your reply! You are a nice girl , I can feel--- |
you are nice too. thank you. --- 陶醉于音乐里的臭美妞杭嘉湖 问候你哦 |
It always takes 2 in 1 to be as each other. |
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