要馋死俺们才算完事吗? 是海蟹吗? 是不是老外不爱吃螃蟹? --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52101.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
还没看过螃蟹的牙齿呢。这回看到了 我都是灌醉了才洗的 --- |
我洗螃蟹是跟个朋友学的,有虐待动物之嫌 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
真是蟹黄太少。我洗的办法是跟父亲学的,还要挤掉螃蟹的小便和大大 关键手脚快,所以没看到牙齿 --- |
反季节吃虽然解馋,但是吃不到最好的质量,也很遗憾。 比渤海湾的梭子蟹差远了。 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
在这里吃螃蟹还没摸出规律,国内是5月海蟹肥,然后就是农历八月十五以后了 --- |
母的,不让抓 中文: 首長黃道蟹维基百科,自由的百科全书
首長黃道蟹(Cancer magister),又名邓杰内斯蟹或鄧金斯螃蟹(Dungeness Crab),得名于美国华盛顿州的老镇邓杰内斯。邓杰内斯蟹通常栖息于从阿拉斯加的阿留申群岛到美国加州的圣塔克鲁兹(Santa Cruz)蔓草丛生的水底。 [编辑] 特徵Cancer gracilis 大概是唯一容易和首長黃道蟹搞混的種類,兩者的螯端皆為白色。不過,首長黃道蟹的螯是明顯的鋸齒狀;C. gracilis的螯則較平滑。另外,首長黃道蟹步足的末三節有毛,C. gracilis 則無毛。 [编辑] 生態在华盛顿州附近海域,邓杰内斯蟹的直径可达25厘米,但通常直径小于20厘米。因为蟹甲宽而坚硬,邓杰内斯蟹在第一年需更换6次蟹甲,第二年需再更换6次蟹甲才能達到性成熟。它的主要食物包括蚌类、小型甲壳类动物和小鱼,但它也可以腐食为生;食物短缺時,也會出現同類相食的現象。天敵包括章魚、大型魚類、海獺和人類。在受到天敌威胁时,它可完全藏于沙中。 在交配季节,雄蟹受到雌蟹尿液中的信息素吸引而寻找雌蟹。雌雄蟹在交配前会拥抱数天。雌蟹在交配的数月以后产卵,雌蟹在交配後可攜帶 50 ~ 200萬顆卵。这些卵会附着在雌蟹的腹部三到五月,直至孵化。新生的小蟹即会游泳。在出生后的两年当中,小蟹要经历约十次蜕壳才能成为成年蟹。 [编辑] 經濟重要性该蟹肉质鲜美,是東北太平洋沿岸重要的商业蟹类。單是加州中部 (舊金山、蒙特利地區) 的魚場,一年平均便可捕獲200萬磅。 英文: Dungeness crabFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
The Dungeness crab is a species of crab that inhabits eelgrass beds and water bottoms from the Aleutian Islands in Alaska to Santa Cruz, California [1]. Its binomial name, Cancer magister, simply means "master crab" in Latin. They measure as much as 25 cm (10 inches) in some areas off the coast of Washington, but typically are under 20 cm (8 inches).[2] They are a popular delicacy, and are the most commercially important crab in the Pacific Northwest, as well as the western states generally [3]. Dungeness crabs have a wide, hard shell which they must split in order to grow; this process is called ecdysis. They have five pairs of legs, which are similarly armored, the foremost pair of which ends in claws which the crab uses both as defense and to tear apart large food items. The crab uses its smaller appendages to pass the food particles into its mouth. Once inside the crab's stomach, food is further digested by the "gastric mill", a collection of tooth-like structures. Cancer magister prefers to eat clams, other crustaceans and small fish, but is also an effective scavenger. Dungeness crabs can also bury themselves completely in the sand if threatened. Males are attracted to potential mates by pheromones present in the urine of female Dungeness crabs. Upon locating an available female, the male initiates a protective pre-mating embrace that lasts for several days. In this embrace, the female is tucked underneath the male, oriented such that their abdomens touch and their heads face each other. Mating occurs only after the female has molted, and the female signals her readiness to molt by urinating on or near the antennae of the male. The female extrudes the eggs from her body several months later; however, they remain attached under her abdomen for three to five months until they hatch. Young crabs are free-swimming after hatching and go through five larval stages before reaching maturity after about ten moults or two years. The safest place to hold the Dungeness crab is its back. Although the hind part of the crab is commonly used to pick up the crab, their claws can sometimes reach the holder's hand. They are named after Dungeness, Washington [1], which is located approximately five miles north of Sequim and 15 miles east of Port Angeles. The annual Dungeness Crab and Seafood Festival [4] is held in Port Angeles each October. Dungeness crab have been found in the Atlantic Ocean, raising concern about their possible effects on the local wildlife [5]. [edit] CookeryDungeness crabs can typically be purchased either live or pre-cooked. Larger crabs are valued for the higher meat to shell ratio. Live crabs are cooked simply by steaming for 15–18 min, or boiling for approximately 10 min in water. Beer, crab boil spices, or other flavorings can also be added to the water if desired Like all crabs, the Dungeness crab is high in protein and minerals and low in fat. About one quarter of this crab's weight is meat, making it one of the meatiest crabs available. Most of the meat is in the eight legs and two claws, although the body contains plenty as well. The flesh has what is considered to be a delicate flavor that is slightly sweet. The two most useful tools for removing crab meat from the shell are a nutcracker and a shrimp fork. Sometimes, a cleaver, mallet or small hammer are used for cracking.[6] Experienced eaters use one of the crab's own pointy "toes" to dig out the meat. Many Alaskans and coastal people use only their bare hands in order to break the shell and extract the meat, all the while being entertained with the equipment and "techniques" other people use in order to retrieve the flesh from the crab. Melted butter with garlic is sometimes used as a dipping sauce when eating the meat of the Dungeness crab. Regular melted butter and cocktail sauce or Thousand Island dressing are also popular. [edit] References
--- 谨记我GG的真言:爱我,喂我,别离开我 |
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