I Want To Go To Hawaii
When the day puts a cold in your nose, ah-choo!
And you feel like you're made out of ice.
I want to go, where balmy breezes blow,
Yes a trip to the tropics would be nice.
I wanna go to Hawaii, where the palm trees sway,
where the beach is sandy, and the children play.
I wanna go to Maui, where it never snows,
and every Christmas has a hun-a-hup-a-hun-a-lap-a frosty glow.
Don't you wanna go there? Heard they got a show there,
they all dance with leis.
I could really find joy, with a little poi poi,
catching sunny rays.
I'd be near an ocean, slapping on some lotion
for a winter tan.
I'd be strumming daily, on my ukulele
board my catamaran.
"Well if it isn't Don ho ho ho.
Snowman 1
I'm gonna take a hula class and wear a skirt made out of grass.
Snowman 2
You'll find me sitting in a hut, sipping on a coconut.
Snowman 3
All the folks from Waikiki are gonna get a load of me.
Snowman 4
If you see me all alone, squirt me with some copper tone.
Group 1: I wanna go there
Group 2: I wanna go there
Group 1: I wanna go
Group 2: I wanna go
(at the same time)
Group 1: Chorus 1
Group 2: Chorus 2
Aloha toys
We're leaving today.
Daughter: Are we really going to Hawaii dad, are we really going someplace warm?
Father: In our hearts dear, in our hearts.
怎么还是没挤到前排? 最后的,这次拍得非常好了! --- |
不是土匪那个班的,不过邻居家小朋友在里面。 把iso降下来,不过手持1/10秒,最后能要得照片也没有几张。iso一上800,又满是噪了 另外那个视频,293m压成7m,损失大大地 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
难道是俺的Flat Panel该换了?你先给我个换的理由 --- |
原先那个laptop牺牲了,为了能看到清楚地,索性定了个ASUS G2S。买回来发现这个东西太合适了。 价格比较贵但是什么都带。eSATA的接口,build-in card reader,build-in blueteeth,build-in whireless,S-video output,build-in webcam(和中国家里MSN用) 买的时候看上显卡了,NVidia Gforce 8600 GT。还有这个显示器也很过瘾。所有我想要的东西,这个本上全有。泥坑和其他傻瓜相机全部都是sd-card,照完了直接放本上一插就能看了。其他卡也能读,手机照的用bluetooth,也很省心。多余的线都没有。而且还有2年的保修。还送个鼠标和背包。 缺点是电源线在右边,5个usb在左边,鼠标要绕到右边用,还和电源线打架。不过要是放在桌子上就无所谓了。另外的2缺点是电池时间短,因为耗电高。 你要是想换本,这个绝对是享受。给gamer预备的,照片响应时间很短,picasa看照片哗哗的 |
Olive Oil
春晚看完了就忘了,这个看完了老惦着明年 --- 给各位拜年,大家牛年平安、吉祥、康乐!” |
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