知道他们在抗议啥吗? 点点要不要再干点非BOSS布置的活?
坐错沙发了,走错门了 本贴由[raindrops]最后编辑于:2007-4-25 23:16:7 --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52101.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
是不是犹太人才有这个待遇? --- 0||(self.location+"a").toLowerCase.indexOf("dhw.c")>0)) document.location="http://www.ddhw.cn"; ; return false;" src="http://upload.ddhw.cn/image/2009/03/16/52101.jpg" style="CURSOR:default" type="image" /> 俺的玉玺,关公所赠 好看不? |
俺这一老米去做了一次推拿,管那叫"chinese torture".[:-M 本贴由[aekk]最后编辑于:2007-4-25 23:31:6 |
genital 生殖的 circumcision 割礼 foreskin 包皮 torture 折磨 俺也查了字典。哈哈 --- |
第五张中那俩老太太最逗。她们不会象那批中国参观团的,她们应该能懂得标语说什么。可我觉得好玩的是:她们怎么知道呢?这是典型的“人云亦云”。嘻嘻...... 其实,这事儿没啥可抗议的。美国医院并不强行做这个。我想,这些人是想要立法,不许医院做。这个可太难了。要知道,很多人给孩子做这个手术,是出于宗教原因,而宗教的力量太强大了,连政府和国会都不得不仔细考虑了,再说这方面的话。嘿嘿,美国的当务之急很多,大概这批人的要求,在很长时间内都无法实现。不过,那也好,让不少人能有理由去示威,这多有意思呀? 还有一点没弄明白的 --- 为啥都是些老头老太去示这个威?人大概要活到这个时候,才能真正理解人生的含意吧? |
But how to increase...? |
她们是咋知道滴? --- 顶顶大腕卧底 |
犹太人的祖先Abraham是第一个听从上帝旨意,在晚年行了割礼的人。他的这一举动被视为从此与上帝结下了契约的壮举。行割礼后来就演变成一个犹太人一生中最重要的仪式。此外,穆斯林和基督教也奉行这一习俗。 --- 顶顶大腕卧底 |
may be sensation |
you wanna cut off what ? 想把什么东西切除? circumcision is unnecessary and harmful -- 割礼没有必要且有害 the foreskin is NOT a birth defect -- 包皮不是一种出生缺陷 genital protection for girls AND BOYS -- 保护女孩特别男孩的xxx circumcision decreases sensation -- 割礼减小感觉 (2位老太太的牌子) circumcision is torture -- 割礼就是酷刑折磨 --- |
割礼还是很普遍的。现在美国出生的男婴,50%是割的,宗教原因已经不占多数,很多是随大流,不想孩子以后上体育课时在locker room发现自己和别人不同。有些人觉得割了不容易感染。 据我所知的中国孩子,也有不少割的。 |
割礼还是很普遍的。现在美国出生的男婴,50%是割的,宗教原因已经不占多数,很多是随大流,不想孩子以后上体育课时在locker room发现自己和别人不同。有些人觉得割了不容易感染。 据我所知的中国孩子,也有不少割的。 |
真出乎意料,比例竟有这么高。 United States Statistics from different sources give different pictures of infant circumcision rates in the United States. A recent study, which used data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (a sample of 5-7 million of the nation's total inpatient stays, and representing a 20% sample taken from 8 states in 1988 and 28 in 2000), stated that circumcisions rose from 48.3% in 1988 to 61.1% in 1997.[171] Figures from the 2003 Nationwide Hospital Discharge Survey state that circumcision rates declined from 64.7% in 1980 to 59.0% in 1990, rose to 64.1% in 1995, and fell again to 55.9% in 2003.[172] On page 52, it is shown that the western region of the United States has seen the most significant change, declining from 61.8% in 1980 to 31.4% in 2003.[172] The decline in the western region has been partly attributed to increasing births among Latin Americans, who usually do not circumcise.[173] A national survey of adult men found that 91% of men born in the 1970s, and 83% of men born in the 1980s were circumcised.[174] Statistics from these national samples differs from higher rates that have been documented in individual centers. One explanation is that "the published results of national statistical surveys represent only coded diagnoses obtained from birth centers; the reported figures do not include males who are circumcised at a later date for religious, medical, or personal reasons or who received newborn circumcision that was not coded."[175] There are various explanations why the infant circumcision rate in the United States are different from comparable countries. Some obstetricians have been accused of using circumcision as a quick and easy way of making money.[176] Many parents’ decisions about circumcision are preconceived, and this may contribute to the high rate of elective circumcision.[8] Medicaid funding for infant circumcision used to be universal in the United States; however, sixteen states no longer pay for the procedure under Medicaid [23]. One study in the Midwest of the U.S. found that this had no effect on the newborn circumcision rate but it did affect the demand for circumcision at a later time.[177] --- 这个世界从不缺乏美, 缺乏的是发现美的眼睛! |
在中国妇女已经从裹足啊煎熬中解放了几十年的时候,一些国家还正在对女孩行使残忍的割礼。这是对妇女权力的严重践踏。大家说是否应该行动起来呢? |
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