
标题: The Pony Express (驿马快递)(图) [打印本页]

作者: aekk    时间: 2007-1-14 07:59
标题: The Pony Express (驿马快递)(图)

俺拍了介两张PP, 搜来了介绍. 雨点MM是忠臣不事二主呢? 还是...... 大清赶快去埋锅造明天的饭吧...
The Pony Express statue in front of Harrah's Casino, Stateline, Nevada, commemorates the site of Friday's Station which was located about a mile east. To commemorate the Pony Express and its intrepid riders, Harrah's commissioned a statue by sculptor Dr. Avard Fairbanks. It was designed with Sierra Nevada history and environment as a theme. This heroic-sized bronze statue of a rider in full gallop was cast in Pietrasanta, Italy, and now stands in a park like setting at the hotel entrance



The Pony Express was created on April 3, 1860, to move mail from St. Joseph, MO, to Sacramento, CA, a distance of 1960 miles. The Pony Express consisted of 190 stations, 500 select horses, and 80 experienced riders who averaged 75 miles a day and were paid $25 per week. The mail cost $1 to $5 per oz and was carried in a leather vest or mochila designed for a quick change. The most famous ride was in March 1861 when Abraham Lincoln became President. The news and Inaugural Address was to reach the west by Pony Express "Special Delivery". While the average ride took 9 to 10 days, this news was delivered in a record 7 days 17 hours.


作者: 大清太平    时间: 2007-1-14 08:00
标题: 哈哈,笑傲江湖



  本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2007-1-14 0:1:19  


作者: 大清太平    时间: 2007-1-14 08:03
标题: 完全是政委跨战马的英姿! [:-M]



作者: 向阳屯    时间: 2007-1-14 08:11
标题: 政委开始回忆起当年纵横桂林大山里的故事了?[:-K]



作者: 那些花儿    时间: 2007-1-14 08:48
标题: “驿马快递”难道是为了当时及时知道消息,为了赌博而设置的吗?[:P]--说到casino,所以一问

  “驿马快递”难道是为了当时及时知道消息,为了赌博而设置的吗? --说到casino,所以一问

作者: 大清太平    时间: 2007-1-14 09:10
标题: 看后面补充部分: ...move mail from St. Joseph to ...

  看后面补充部分: ...move mail from St. Joseph to ...


作者: aekk    时间: 2007-1-14 09:18
标题: 俺再补充点信息... 眼皮打架了.[:-W][:-W]

Dates: (驿马快递从成立到结束的时间)

  • April 3, 1860 through October 1861.

Telegraph Completed:

  • October 24, 1861


  • Proved the Central Route to California was usable year round. The government moved the Overland Mail Company, who had the mail contract, from the southern/Butterfield Route to the Central Route in 1861. Keeping the lines of communication open and the flow of mail going influenced California's remaining in the Union.


  • Financially, the Pony Express was a failure. The owners invested $700,000 and left a $200,000 deficit. The company failed to get the government mail contract. The company was sold at auction to Ben Holladay in March 1862. Four years later he sold out to Wells Fargo for $2,000,000.



作者: aekk    时间: 2007-1-14 09:22
标题: "驿马快递"相当于现在的"邮政快递", 与赌博无关. 历时很短, 不足一年.

  "驿马快递"相当于现在的"邮政快递", 与赌博无关. 历时很短, 不足一年.

作者: 那些花儿    时间: 2007-1-14 09:24
标题: 嗯,再读了[:>]


作者: 那些花儿    时间: 2007-1-14 09:27
标题: 谢谢[>:D<]本来以为为了赌博人们还专门设置了这种快速传递消息的途径呢[:>]

  谢谢 本来以为为了赌博人们还专门设置了这种快速传递消息的途径呢

作者: 有好就顶    时间: 2007-1-15 04:11
标题: 驿马快递, 十万火急. 总是不如中国那"一骑红尘妃子笑"更有色彩

  驿马快递, 十万火急. 总是不如中国那"一骑红尘妃子笑"更有色彩


作者: raindrops    时间: 2007-1-15 04:24
标题: BOSS已经做了指示,让俺抽时间一定要完成政委下达的政治任务[:-K][:-K]


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