Who can help me to translate (2) to Chinese? It is from a high school's play.
(1) We are supposed to switch our lifes.
(2) We should go (or stay) with the life that we have swiched into.
如是泛指, LIFE=生活. (2) We should go (or stay) with the life that we have swiched into. 2.1. 吾等生命既已转变, 自应随之而安. (有了宗教/信仰/心灵/精神等方面的巨大转变后, 比如从无神论者转为基督信徒) 2.2. 我们的生活既已转向, 就应顺之而行. (生活方式方面的改变, 比如中学毕业成人, 戒烟酒, 结婚, 有了孩子做父母了等) 本贴由[天涯浪子]最后编辑于:2011-5-25 1:33:46 |
2.1. 吾等生命既已转变, 自应随之而安; 2.2. 我们的生活既已转向, 就应顺之而行. 本贴由[天涯浪子]最后编辑于:2011-5-25 1:34:19 |
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