
标题: Mainstream in the dark about greenhouse data [打印本页]

作者: 色盲    时间: 2009-12-10 06:26
标题: Mainstream in the dark about greenhouse data

OTHER VOICES: Mainstream in the dark about greenhouse data revelations

by Ed Riffle
Posted: 12/09/2009 02:56:07 PM PST
Updated: 12/09/2009 02:56:07 PM PSTwww.ddhw.com


Weeks have passed since the story of the chicanery by so-called "climate experts" in the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University broke. For those who are not familiar with the CRU at EAU, their scientists are at the very center of the whole man-made global warming theory. It was their research on the subject that has been used by the United Nations, colleges and universities, businesses and governments to formulate plans and policies that affect pretty much everyone on the planet. To put it bluntly, the CRU at EAU is "global warming."

So why is it that the headlines are not screaming with the news that they faked data, covered up facts that were contrary to their theory and suppressed the views of the many scientists who questioned their data and methods? Simple: Too many people have too much invested in the now-discredited theory of man-made global warming. Governments have invested billions in research. Companies have invested billions in development of products to combat "greenhouse gas emissions" that are now obsolete and unnecessary. Even more importantly, ordinary people like you and I have invested their emotions in the idea that by modifying their behavior they can somehow "save the planet."

Now that we know that the theory of man-made global warming has no real scientific basis we begin to understand that we have wasted a lot of time, effort and energy on a hoax. Politicians will be questioned on whether they fell for the hoax ... or were willing participants in it. Do you think they will admit being wrong? Not likely. Some companies (like General Electric) have bet their company's future on products to combat a non-existent threat. Do you think they will go out of business without a fight? Probably not. We regular folk are not immune, either. It's going to be hard to come to terms with having spent extra money on squiggly light bulbs and hybrid vehicles. We'll also probably continue to feel pangs of guilt over activities that we used to think hurt the environment, even though logic tells us we shouldn't. www.ddhw.com

The discovery of the deceitful and dishonest antics of the so-called "climate scientists" at the CRU at EAU will take a little time for our society to absorb. Governments would tumble and companies would collapse if the public became instantly aware of the implications of the story, so the news of the hoax will be fed to us at a slow trickle. The latest revelations on those who have perpetrated the global warming hoax are coming from the University of Pennsylvania. Soon, there will be more revelations as it is becoming evident that the motivation for the faked science was a quest for research money and it is pretty easy to follow the money to find the ones responsible for the hoax.

Is it time to trade in the Prius or, like me, the flexible fuel vehicle? No. Some of the fruit of the hoax actually makes economic sense in some applications. I would, however, get rid of those squiggly light bulbs. The savings in electricity does not justify the danger of mercury poisoning if one should break in your home. The term "mad as a hatter" comes from the fact that the haberdashers of old used mercury in creating hats and exposure to it made them eventually go crazy. Keep the Prius. Ditch the lightbulbs.



  本贴由[色盲]最后编辑于:2009-12-10 0:18:25  




作者: salmonfish    时间: 2009-12-11 18:44
标题: Here is the leaked Danish Docu.



作者: 色盲    时间: 2009-12-12 20:01
标题: Thanks!! But error occurs when loading...(图)

seems that it needs license to read the report or... d*mn it, blocked by the Great Firewall...





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