差不多, 才能和群。
真的笨的很,唉。。不谈这个了。。不过,师傅为啥管你叫JJ呢?好像印象里面,网上叫做JJ的,只有一个芙蓉仙子。。。呵呵,所以这个本来很平常的称呼,现在轻易不敢乱用了 |
Otherwise, there is a set A of 21 numbers, so that the sum of any pair of numbers from A is different from the sum of any other pairs from A. That means there are totally 21*20/2 = 210 different values for sum of pairs. But from 1-100, the smallest sum of a pair is 3 = 1+2, the largest is 199 = 100+99, at most 197 possible values. Contradiction. By the way, "应该向你师傅学习,叫我姐姐" is not right. If id94's master call you sister, he should call you aunt. |
他称他师傅也是叫叫以示谦虚,他师傅也从来没承认他是他的徒弟,所以他们并没有辈份的差别。 本贴由[野 菜 花]最后编辑于:2008-2-27 17:29:33 |
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