
标题: 参考答案。(想-想,查-查。学英语)(图) [打印本页]

作者: salmonfish    时间: 2007-11-3 00:32
标题: 参考答案。(想-想,查-查。学英语)(图)

查字典:subjugate, vb, subdue; bring (a group of people) under one's control.
查“etymology dictionary", 发现下列解释:www.ddhw.com
from L.L. subjugationem (nom. subjugatio), from L. subjugatus, pp. of subjugare "to subdue," lit. "bring under a yoke," from sub "under" + jugum www.ddhw.com
Lit. "bring under a yoke," 引起了我的兴趣。记得在读“圣经”时(声明:本人是无神论者,读“圣经”只是出于对历史,和文学的好奇)曾读到过类似的语句。 

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
All who are under the yoke as slaves are to regard their own masters as worthy of all honor so that the name of God and our doctrine will not be spoken against.          ------------------1 Timothy 6:1
再挖了挖,发现"bring under a yoke" 其实是从古罗马时期来的一个典故。
古罗马时期,罗马帝国经常与邻邦部落打仗。其中一场战役,公元前458年,罗马军队打败了一个叫Aequi的部落. 当时的统治者,Cincinntus, 据说www.ddhw.com
"。。。he said not require the blood of the Aequi; they might go, but, that they might at least be forced to confess that their nation had been defeated and subdued, they should pass beneath the yoke as they departed. A yoke was fashioned of three spears, two being fixed in the ground and the third laid across them and made fast. Under this yoke the dictator sent th Aequi."www.ddhw.com
                                                                                                   ----History of Rome, by Livy, translated by B. O. Foster 

从此,又有多次战争都是以这样的方式(避免大量的流血)结束的。其中最为著名的是公元前321年和110年的两次战争。罗马军队分别败于Samnites部落(现瑞士)和Numantian king Jugurtha. 战败的的罗马军队Passing through "under the yoke" 不但没有受到羞辱,反而被给与衣物,食品和回家的费用。大有“化干戈为玉帛”的意思。现代瑞士人引以为豪的Charles Gleyre(1808-1874)的油画“The Romans Passing Under the Yoke"


从此以后,“passing through "under the yoke" (后来又演变成今天的“passing through "under the arch") 就常常用来表达“一种新生活的重新开始”。今天,毕业的士官生,结婚的新人“passing through "under the arch (yoke)" (Saber's yoke, flower yoke) 就是出自这里,表示了“一种新生活的开始。”www.ddhw.com

而“under the yoke“本身仍然表达着“subjugation", 即受压迫,受屈从,被羞辱的意思。最近,就读到一篇文章“Iraq Under American Yoke。"

"Yoke"本身来自于拉丁词根“ jugum “---join, yoke. 词典解释:海了!见:(https://dictionary.reference.com/browse/yoke)

yoke 虽有牛轭的意思,但是在口语中说“XXX is gonna get yoked" 并不是说:“XXX要戴牛轭了”,而是说:“XXX 要结婚了。”


“conjugal"(join together (con-), yoke together): 结婚,婚姻。

"conjugation": 共轭。







  本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2007-11-2 17:47:55  


  本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2007-11-5 17:21:41  

作者: ob    时间: 2007-11-4 09:29
标题: [:-Q][:-Q][:-Q]


作者: best88    时间: 2007-11-7 12:09
标题: 长知识!!!!!!!!


作者: husonghu    时间: 2007-11-10 19:33
标题: cool [:-Q][:-Q]


作者: 花心石    时间: 2007-11-14 08:44
标题: 原来conjugation从这儿来的[:-M]



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