1) Chu pa chieh hsiang chih tien eh jou (a despicable man has designs on a lovely lady) 2) Lang pei wei chien ( Two evil forces united symbiotically can cause extreme damage ) 3) Wan hou tou li (Unruly monkies steal heavenly peaches; 4) Wen chi chi wu (rising to practice martial arts upon hearing a rooster crow; i.e., rising and exercising vigorously at an early hour is beneficial) 5) San yang kai tai (a propitious expression) 6) Lao chi fu li (aged but still ambitious) 7) Hua she tien tsu (adding feet to the drawing of a snake; therefore, superfluous or unnecessary) 8) Hua lung tien ching (adding eyes to the drawing of a dragon; hence, true to life or realistic) 9) Kuei tu sai pao (race between a turtle and a rabbit) 10) Chi hu nan hsia (it's hard to get off the back of a tiger; i.e., it's easier to put yourself into a dangerous situation than to remove yourself from it. The U.S. predicament in Iraq comes to mind here.) |
1是猪八戒背媳妇(媳妇是孙悟空扮的) 2。。。象哮天犬?不明白 3应该是猴子捞月 6有可能是塞翁失马 |
2。蜀犬吠日? 4。闻鸡起舞 6. 伯乐识马。 10。狐假虎威 本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2007-10-24 10:20:11 |
喪家之犬 |
八戒抢亲 |
我赞同第一个和第十个哈 第四个和Try的一样,我就不说了 |
1.猪八戒背媳妇; 2.蜀犬吠日;3.猴子捞月; 4.闻鸡起舞; 5.三羊开泰; 6伯乐识马; 7.画蛇添足; 8.画龙点睛; 9.龟兔賽跑; 10。狐假虎威 |
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