yinyin这里是接着xixihaha的题再出的一个新题,其要求与xixihaha的原题不同,要那驴子活着回去,回程时同样是一公里吃一根胡萝卜。那胡萝卜可以是牠自己驼着的,也可以是牠存放着的。 金牌兄所说的“此题”是指哪个题?如果不是指yinyin的这个新题,就请贴到该贴的地方去,免得再次“混乱”。 |
对于你这个帖子,我只能说四个字:非常遗憾 |
都不要意气用事, 我请两位喝言和酒. 两位都是能人, 走到一起讨论感兴趣的问题, 难得啊. 大家都幽默一下好了, 好吗? |
How about 3666.66666666666666666666666666666666? |
请给出详解,并请注意胡萝卜是以“根”为单位。 |
To make life simpler, please allow me to use fractions. I hope yinyin can help me on the integral version. 1. Move all carrots 1000/12 meters toward the market in 4 times, with minimum supply on the 3 backward trips. Leave 1000/12 carrots for the last leg of the return trip from the market. Now it has 3000 extra carrots. 2. Move the 3000 carrots 1000/6 meters toward the market in 3 times. Leave 1000/6 carrots for the return trip. Now it has 2000 extra carrots. 3. Move the 2000 carrots 1000/4 meters toward the market in 2 times. Leave 1000/4 carrots for the return trip. Now it has 1000 extra carrots. And it is 1000/2 meters away from the market. 4. Move the 1000 carrots to the market and come back to the same point, leaving nothing in the market. 5. Return home, picking up the 1000/4, 1000/6 and 1000/12 carrots one by one. |
若胡萝卜以根为单位,则需略加修改。 |
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