每一个最外层边都可向外衍生一些小3角形或其它规则图形 那么,边长(最外层)是不断增大的,而面积显然在某一范围内。 |
Seems pretty simple: Two circles with the same center(R=2, r=1). Now eqaulaly divide the circumference by 2*N points (the same way for large and small circles) and the points labled as follows: Large circle: L_1,L_2,...,L_2N Small circle: S_1,S_2,...,S_2N L_1,S_1,S_2,L_2,L_3,S_3...,S_2N-1,L_2N,L_1 forms a closed polygon with area=2.5*pi for all N. But the perimeter goes to infinite as you increase N. |
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