
标题: 抛硬币赌钱 [打印本页]

作者: 新用户    时间: 2006-8-31 06:11
标题: 抛硬币赌钱



  本贴由[新用户]最后编辑于:2006-8-31 17:12:53  

作者: 不再潜水的人民大众之一    时间: 2006-8-31 20:41
标题: 看不懂...能否再解释一下?


作者: 新用户    时间: 2006-9-1 01:11
标题: 好的,,,



作者: 新用户    时间: 2006-9-1 01:14
标题: 我刚才再次看了该题,觉得不错,建议大家思考


作者: ob    时间: 2006-9-1 04:27
标题: This is interesting.

If the total value for the three kinds of coins are the same, then it does not matter. Otherwise, I will choose the highest total value coin.

Supoose I choose 100 cent coins. I have 50% chance to win 75cents, but have 37.5% chance to lose 100cents. So it will be a tie after eight plays.www.ddhw.com

If I choose 50cents coins, I will 25% chance to win 125 cents, but have 62.5% chance to lose 50cents . After 8 plays, it will be a tie.

If I choose 25 cents coins, I will have 12.5% chance to win 150 cents, but have 75% chance to lose 25cents. After eight plays, it will be a tie too.www.ddhw.com


作者: 新用户    时间: 2006-9-1 06:36
标题: 如果选100分面值,你肯定50%的可能赢75cents?


作者: ob    时间: 2006-9-1 09:00
标题: 回复:如果选100分面值,你肯定50%的可能赢75cents?

There are total 8 combinations:
100 + + + + - - - -
50   + - +  - + +- -
25   + + -  - + - + -
Any time when you got "+", you win 75cents. Only four combinations from the 8 combinations can make you win. So the chance is 50%. There are 37.5% chance of lose the 100 cent, and 12.5% chance of tie.


作者: 新用户    时间: 2006-9-1 19:11
标题: 回复:回复:如果选100分面值,你肯定50%的可能赢75cents?

每3枚硬币,100分赢75分的概率 = 1/2 + (1/8)*(1/2+ (1/8)*(1/2+(1/8)*(1/2 + .....) ))
应该 > 50%


作者: ob    时间: 2006-9-2 01:20
标题: 回复:回复:回复:如果选100分面值,你肯定50%的可能赢75cents?

I think that you mean that each time you toss three coins and the coins are 100c, 50c and 25c. If that is the case, I still think the chance is 50%.
If you think that after wining the first bet, you can use any kind of coins, then the story is different.www.ddhw.com


作者: 新用户    时间: 2006-9-2 01:29
标题: 回复:回复:回复:回复:如果选100分面值,你肯定50%的可能赢75cents?

所以,第一次仍 100分有 50% 的可能性赢,但是如果都是背面朝上(1/8可能),就要继续仍第二次,,,,
所以,,对于3枚硬币,100分 赢的概率应该 > 50%

文章来源: ob® 于 2006-9-1 17:20:22

I think that you mean that each time you toss three coins and the coins are 100c, 50c and 25c. If that is the case, I still think the chance is 50%.
If you think that after wining the first bet, you can use any kind of coins, then the story is different.




作者: ob    时间: 2006-9-2 02:23
标题: 回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:如果选100分面值,你肯定50%的可能赢75cents?

My understanding is the same. 3 coins has total 8 different combinations (2^3). Or in other word, 8 combination is a cycle. After going through all eight combinations, statistically, 100cents has 4 times of face up and 4 times face down. When 100cent face up, I win. So after one cycle, I may win 4 times,
and win 4*75=300cents. 100cent coin will have 4 times of face down too. And I also have 3 out of 8 times to lose for total 3*100=300cents. One out of eight time is a tie (all face down).


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