如果有,大洋的东西两岸的海拔高度也就不同了。 |
考虑由于地球自转形成的科里奥利力(Coriolis force) -- 即由地球自转形成的惯性力。 科里奥利力的大小和方向由以下公式确定: F(科里奥利力) = m*a(科里奥利加速度)=2m*(v x w) 式中,v 为物体速度矢量;w 为地球自转角速度矢量。用矢量积的右手定则,我们便知科里奥利力的方向了。而 其反作用力方向即为河床被冲刷得更厉害些的方向。 详细答案略。 (如果你上网查询“科里奥利力”和“河床”这两个关键字,你会迅速找到答案的。)以下是NASA 网站的一段文字: It seems that although other forces, such as the velocity of the current and the mass of the water, are much more significant in determining how and where rivers move, the Corilois Force can't be ignored at high latitudes. At low and mid latitudes, the effect of the Coriolis Force on rivers is hardly perceptible, and even in Arctic areas where the land has moderate relief, it's not a factor. However, in Arctic regions having little relief, rivers carve steep cliffs on their western banks while their eastern banks are noticeably lower. This is frequently observed on a number of the great north flowing rivers in Russia, such a as the Ob, Lena and Yenisey. |
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