等边三角形RQP中有一点离三顶点的距离分别为a, b, c, 边长为 x试证 x=u+v+w
suppose the point in the triangle RQP is S, draw lines ST and SU parallel to RQ and RP respectively with intersections T and U. then triangle QST is congruent to ACD, then AD = QT = u triangle PSU is congruent to BCD, then BD = PU = v STU is equilateral, then TU = w Thus proved. |
Could you explain a little more about why triangle QST is congruent to ACD, triangle PSU is congruent to BCD, |
Maybe one can use "同一法“ and show S is unique.. Another way is using a rotation and then some conclusion on Fermat point. |
可是我化了力气画图贴图,就被你三言两语打发了实在 心有不甘。是否请乱弹或其他哪位大侠把证明写一下,别人也能看懂呀。 |
I give one, should be a poor one. let Angle CAD be a1, CBD a2, ACD a3, ABD a4, BCD a5, BAD a6 as to triangle PQR, angle PQS be b1, QPS b2, RQS b3, QRS b4, RPS b5, PRS b6 Using CD * sin 120 = b * sin a1 = a * sin a2 AD * sin 120 = b * sin a3 = c * sin a4 BD * sin 120 = a * sin a5 = c * sin a6 considering triangle PQR, we have b * sin b1 = a * sin b2 b * sin b3 = c * sin b4 a * sin b5 = C * sin b6 together with 60 = a1 + a3 = a2 + a5 = a4 + a6 60 = b1 + b3 = b2 + b5 = b4 + b6 thus all the 12 angles are less than 90 degrees. we must have a1 = b1, a2 = b2, and so on. If not, suppose a1> b1, then a2 > b2, since b * sin a1 = a * sin a2 and b * sin b1 = a * sin b2 b3 > a3 (since a1 + a3 = b1 + b3, and a1 > b1) b5 > a5 (since a2 + a5 = b2 = b5, and a2 > b2) b3 > a3 gives b4 > a4 (since b * sin a3 = c * sin a4, and b * sin b3 = c * sin b4) b5 > a5 gives b6 > a6 but b4 + b4 = a4 + a6 = 60. contradiction. so a1 = b1 thus proved |
原题: 三角形ABC中一点D,使得它与三顶点的张角都是120度( 等边三角形RQP中有一点离三顶点的距离分别为a, b, c, 边长为 x试证 x=u+v+w 证明: 将三角形BCD绕B点沿逆时针方向旋转60度到三角形BEF的位置,这样BDE 和BCF 都是等边三角形。那么DE=v,CF=BF=a, EF=w 所 以A,D,E,F 共线 AF=u+v+w 以AF为一边作等边三角形AFG,只要证明BG=b 我们来证明三角形BFG 和CFA 全等: CF=BF=a, AF=FG, 故BG=AC=b |
简单解法:延长AD到点E,使DE = v。再延长DE到点F,使EF=w。 很显然,三角形DBE 是等边三角形。因而三角形BEF全等于三角形BCD,BF = a。 由此推出PR = u + v + w. QED。 |
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不好意思!星期五去夏威夷参加朋友婚礼,走之前看见这道题,觉得很简单就急急忙 忙的写出来了。 "由此推出www.ddhw.com |
前段时间这里有不少几何题未解,你若有兴趣的话,可把它们 找出来做,并把答案作为新贴,贴出来大家看看。 祝你在坛上愉快! |
多谢班主鼓励,实在有愧。离开数学界已近9年,高手实不敢当。偶尔上班没事上上 脑筋一动,消磨一下时间而已。其实很少做平面几何题,因为需要画图加辅助线,不容易不用 纸笔就在脑子里想着做。昨天快下班时在纸上画这道几何题,同事看了都在笑话我。 |
多一个人多一份热闹,每个人的参与都对其他所有的人是个鼓励。至少 这里的风气很好,大家都是君子,都彬彬有礼,绝不会有讽刺挖苦的现象。 祝你工作顺利,生活愉快哈! |
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