沿两条不同的路径让两只相同的玻璃球以同样的初速度滚下来,球A从开始到结束一直是沿着略有坡度的直线路径滚下,而球B则是沿着一条起伏不平的路径,(B是光滑曲线) 从同一起点到同一终点。如果两只球是同时无初速度开始自由滚下,你认为哪一只能够先到达终点?为什么?
Same time, since they have same energy. |
因为那个曲面可能会让b 脱离轨道飞起来的。并不能保证一直沿着轨道运行。所以会产生碰撞。从而损失能量。 |
最捷时间是当B满足摆线方程时. |
B先到达。 因为B的起始斜率较高,所以较陡,所以速度会较快。 极端一点假设B很快到达终点的高度,而余下的路都只是水平前进,由于不计算磨擦力,所以纯理论上B球会保持这个高速向水平直冲。A以相对缓慢的均速滚动,所以比较慢。 |
我认为这只是从物理上解释了B先到达的可能性,但不充分.虽然任一时刻B的速度都大于A, 但B的路程也较长. 要回答谁先到达, 还需路径B的轨迹描述. |
Higher math method is by no means simple. It took the genius like Johann and Jacob Bernoulli to solve it. B is faster because it is closer to the cycloid and it is relatively smooth. The physics explanation is obviously wrong. If it were correct then cycloid would not be the fastest: Curves deeper than cycloid would be faster. And since B is arbitrarily drawn, it probably cannot be solved at all by higher math method, since you cannot even write a function for this curve. |
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