
标题: 数学奥赛题 [打印本页]

作者: fzy    时间: 2005-5-6 22:06
标题: 数学奥赛题


Difficulty: +++

设Z为全部整数的集,n为正整数,f为从Z^n到Z的函数, 并满足下列条件:

1)f(k,k,...,k) = k

证明存在i, 1<=i<=n, 使得f(x1,...,xi,...,xn) = xi。

Both this problem and the Lighthouse problem are from the Iran IMO 2005 Team Selection Test. I was quite surprised to see good problems like these. (The CMO problems are too difficult and less interesting.) My privious experience with Iranian mathematics was in graduate school. There was an Iranian student (the only one I ever met), who failed every class he took, and was kicked out after one semister. :)



作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-5-6 22:41
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题

If f(x1,x2,...,xn)=k=f(k,k,...,k)
Then from f(x1,x2,...,xn)=f(k,k,...,k), there at least is i, such that xi=k by condition 2 (otherwise f(x1,x2,...,xn)>
So f(x1,x2,...,xn)=xiwww.ddhw.com
Did I misunderstand your question?


作者: luantan    时间: 2005-5-6 22:47
标题: I guess so. [;)]

i should be independent of       (x1,..., xn).www.ddhw.com
Did you post your problems in WXC? Thank you.  


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-5-6 23:22
标题: 回复:I guess so. [;)]

I did. Do you want to do it regularly? Then I will hold off my answeres here.


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-5-7 01:42
标题: 回复:回复:I guess so. [;)]

I just have some rough idea. When n=2, it can be proven very easy.  Then I want to go to n=4, n=8, ....,  This method probably work, but anyway, I guess I can not get it tonight, because I am very tired today.  Besides,  I do not like this idea very much,  because I think induction is like cheating sometimes.
Anyway, since this is a pretty good problem, you may hold your solution for some time. I think some people here and in WXC might work it out.  (Some people in WXC  often write solutions with many jumps, sigh...)
I will write down my proof (if I verify it) ASAP even though it is ugly.


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-5-7 01:54
标题: Guess you misunderstood me

What I mean is that I posted her problems to WXC, althought that should be your job.  And if YOU want to "post her problems to WXC" regularly, I will hold off answering her problems here.


作者: 乱弹    时间: 2005-5-7 05:46
标题: 回复:Guess you misunderstood me

Sorry. Thanks a lot. www.ddhw.com
I was really tired then.  Just had a short sleep. 
If  you saw I did not post her problems, please do. Thanks in advance.
For today's three problems, I see that one is solved. You may give the answer for that problem?  You may hold the answer for the other two.


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-5-7 17:44
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题

Claim1: f(x1,x2,...,xn)=xi  (i is not fixed)
As If f(x1,x2,...,xn)=k=f(k,k,...,k),www.ddhw.com
then from f(x1,x2,...,xn)=f(k,k,...,k), there at least is i, such that xi=k by condition 2 (otherwise f(x1,x2,...,xn)>
So f(x1,x2,...,xn)=xi
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
We have to prove the i is independent from (x1,x2,...,xn).
For convenience, wlog, we may assume there are distinct integers y1,y2,...,yn, such that
f(y1,y2,...,yn)=y1 , then we must prove f(x1,...,xn)=x1 for any (x1,...,xn).www.ddhw.com
 let Z1={z1 in Z: f(z1,k,k,...k)=z1, for some k<>z1}
let Z2={z2 in Z: f(k,z2,z2,...,z2)=z2, for some k<>z2}
Clearly, the intersection of Z1 and Z2 is empty, otherwise , if z is a common integer
f(z,k,k,...,k)=z=f(l,z,z,...,z), for some k<>z, l<>z, contradicts with condition2.
Also we have: Z1UZ2=Z. (By Claim 1)www.ddhw.com
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
Let A={(x,y) in Z^2: f(x,y,y,...,y)=x}
Let B={(x,y) in Z^2: f(x,y,y,...,y)=y}
Clearly the intersection of A and B is {(x,x):xin Z}
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
let z1 in Z1, z2 in Z2
If (z2,z1) is in A, f(z2,z1,z1,...,z1)=z2, then z2 is in Z1, contradiction.
If (z2,z1) is in B, f(z2,z1,z1,...,z1)=z1, then z1 is in Z2, contradictionwww.ddhw.com
So one of Z1, z2 is empty.
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
If Z1 is empty:
f(z,k,k,...,k)=k for any z, k
then f(m,y1,y1,...,y1)=y1=f(y1,y2,...,yn) for any m<>y1, as y1,...,yn are distinct, contradiction with condition2.
So Z2 must be empty.
f(z,k,...,k)=z for any z,k.
If f(x1,x2,...,xn)=xi<>x1,www.ddhw.com
then f(xi, m,m,...,m)=xi=f(x1,x2,...,xn) for any m beyond {x1,x2,...,xn}, contradiction with condition2.
Therefore f(x1,x2,...,xn)=x1//
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )
We may prove it by induction on n
n=1 trivial
Define g(x2,x3...,xn)=f(x2,x2,...,xn)
then g(k,k,...,k)=f(k,k,...,k)=kwww.ddhw.com
if g(x2,x3,...,xn)=g(y2,y3,...,yn), then f(x2,x2,x3,...,xn)=f(y2,y2,y3,...,yn), thus at lease one pair of xi=yi, i>1
So g satisfy the two conditions, by assumption of induction, g(x2,...,xn)=xi for some fixed i>1. That is, f(x2,x2,...,xn)=xi, where i>1 is independent from x2,x3,...,xn.
顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )

(转自:顶顶华闻 www.TopChineseNews.com )


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-5-8 04:14
标题: Is it also true for R^n ?

  Is it also true for R^n ?

作者: fzy    时间: 2005-5-9 18:41
标题: Perfect!

I'm sure you can make the Iranian national team.  This is the last problem in the test.


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-5-9 18:44
标题: I think so. But

it is not true if the domain becomes infinite dimensional (Z^infinity -> Z).


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-5-9 20:53
标题: [:>].I am glad it is the last one, as I am really

scared!  I am just joking, of course,  your problems are very welcomed, they at least let us 开 开 眼 界 。


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-5-9 20:53
标题: Do you have a couterexample?

  Do you have a couterexample?

作者: fzy    时间: 2005-5-9 21:46
标题: 回复:Do you have a couterexample?

I should say I don't know.  The original problem was Zk^n -> Zk. In that case it cannot be extended to Zk^infinity -> Zk, since a function satisfying the condition is then uniquely determined by an untra filter. I did not think carefully after I changed the problem to Z^n -> Z.


作者: fgv    时间: 2005-11-20 13:30
标题: 回复:Do you have a couterexample?



作者: 浩浩    时间: 2006-1-1 15:11
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题



作者: husonghu    时间: 2006-1-1 18:36
标题: 不要气。有难的,也有简单的。欢迎多参与[@};-][@};-][@};-][@};-]


作者: swm    时间: 2006-3-19 14:45
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题



作者: swm    时间: 2006-3-19 14:46
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题


作者: swm    时间: 2006-3-19 14:50
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题


作者: swm    时间: 2006-3-19 14:57
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题


作者: 609010764    时间: 2007-3-2 10:34
标题: 回复:数学奥赛题


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