
标题: 猫捉老鼠 [打印本页]

作者: 好心情    时间: 2005-2-27 13:47
标题: 猫捉老鼠




作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-2-27 20:35
标题: WOW, 一夜间好心情如天女撒花一般,出了这么多好题[@};-][@};-][>:D<][>:D<]

  WOW, 一夜间好心情如天女撒花一般,出了这么多好题

作者: 好心情    时间: 2005-2-27 20:53
标题: 菜菜,偶今天下午找了一下午,做了半天,觉得不是很简单,还要大家给我指点[:-*]



作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-2-27 21:18
标题: 太欢迎了,有你这位全才的MM,我们这里一定会更加兴旺发达![>:D<]


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-2-27 21:39
标题: 回复:猫捉老鼠

I have posted a variation of the problem at 灵机一动: Suppose the speed of the cat is k times the speed of the mouse. What is the upper limit of k so that the mouse can escape? (Hint: It is larger then pi + 1.)www.ddhw.com


作者: valen    时间: 2005-3-1 11:03
标题: 我知道了[;)]



作者: fzy    时间: 2005-3-2 00:43
标题: Nobody wants to try?

Or you all know know the answer already?


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-3-2 01:12
标题: 回复:回复:猫捉老鼠



作者: fzy    时间: 2005-3-2 01:26
标题: Very close to what I got

Yours is 4.6085.... I have 4.6033..., which is the solution of the equation www.ddhw.com
sqr(k^2 - 1) = pi + acos (1/k).
Not nearly as nice as yours. But how did you get yours?


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-3-2 02:36
标题: 回复:Very close to what I got

Sorry, after checking I found I only got an upper bound, not a a supremum. www.ddhw.com
The mouse runs on a small circle with radius r, the pool has radius R, the mouse must run fast than the cat in radians, so that mouse could catch farest postion to dash to the edge of the pool. So
rpi, otherwise the mouse always wins) ( on the scrach paper I only wrote r
On the other hand,
or kwww.ddhw.com


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-3-2 17:59
标题: Not very close now

TO solve your equations, we get k = pi + 1. This is the best you can get with the strategy you described. (Remember the hint I give?) It is correct to reach the farthest point on the r circle. (r = R/k actually.) But this is only the first step. The real interesting part is what happens next.
This variation is a much more difficult problem than the original. I will post My solution if the problem is put on top, so more people can see it. Otherwise I will post a link to a discussion about the solution.


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-3-2 18:47
标题: 回复:Not very close now

I like to see your solution, either way is fine to me. Thanks!


作者: QL    时间: 2005-3-3 06:43
标题: 回复:回复:猫捉老鼠

I think I know where your equation comes from:
suppose the cat starts from (0,-1) and runs counter clockwise, and the mouse runs at an angle x northwest. It does not make sense for x>pi/2, because in that case, the cat may run the opposite way. It turns out that when x=pi/2, k is the largest.
Let o be the center, b be the point where the mouse lands on the circle, let y be the angle between ob and north, then set the running time to be equal, we have:
sqrt(1-1/k^2) = (arccos(1/k)+pi)/k


作者: fzy    时间: 2005-3-3 20:24
标题: Link

That is basically the idea. The actual strategy is a little nore complicated. Because the cat can stop or change direction, the mouse needs to modify her strategy accordingly. Furthermore, since the cat can also change his strategy according to what the mouse does, we need to prove tha the mouse can win no matter what the cat does.
Apparently our monitor does not like the problem. So here is the link to a discussion:


作者: 野 菜 花    时间: 2005-3-4 03:20
标题: QL, I am interested to know how you obtained 3/4

for the acute triangle probability question. If is not too much writing, would you post it?


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