It is easy to guess the result. For example, if the triangle covers 1/8 of the sphere, all three angles are pi/2. But the proof is very interesting. Once again, if you know the proof already, please step back so other people can have some fun. |
对每个边,考虑过此边但不包括该三角形的半球面,共有三个这样的半球面,它们之见,两两交集面积分别 是 (a/(2*pi))*4pi=2a, 2b, 2c 而三个半球面加该三角形及其对称三角形正好覆盖球面 因此 面积为: (4*pi-(3*2*pi-2a-2b-2c))/2 = a+b+c-pi |
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