我支持让马航多放点血,但我更加倾向通过法律途径,比如集体诉讼,来获得好的补偿。不赞成用满地打滚,手脚乱蹬的闹家子方式。 ![]() |
无疑,面对这么大的打击,大家都承受着巨大的悲痛,仍在期望。 多数人(包括国人和外国人)都能“节哀顺变”,耐心的等待。但是,也真有些人。。。唉! 怎么说呢?---国民素质? 本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2014-3-25 12:53:15 本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2014-3-25 13:56:54 |
"... U.K. Air Accidents Investigation Branch determined there was "evidence of a partial handshake between the aircraft and ground station" that followed the last complete ping eight minutes earlier. Investigators said "at this time this transmission isn't understood and is subject to further ongoing work," but didn't elaborate. Mr. McLaughlin in an interview said Inmarsat's engineers and investigators were trying to understand the conditions that could cause a final incomplete ping, but added that this "does not affect the plot for the probable end location of the flight" in the southern Indian Ocean." -----the Wall Street J. https://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304679404579461900800102412?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702304679404579461900800102412.html ----真是令人疑惑吗?! |
按照已知的程序设计,ping信号应该是1小时一次,现在这才8分钟,不奇怪吗? 至于说“部分”ping,三文兄是在暗指飞机处于半沉半浮,或者落水的瞬间? ![]() |
如果飞机直接坠毁于海中,其冲击力如同爆炸一样,瞬间一切皆成碎片(像法航447坠入大西洋)。但是,飞机溅落入水时,飞机引擎入水停转,而飞机电路系统应该(至少在很短的一段时间里)仍旧工作。也就是说,at emergency,飞机自动数据纪录系统(ACARS)很可能会自动将”出事飞机“的数据紧急”ping“出(而不是象正常飞行时的每小时”ping“一次)。 但是,由于飞机尾部(ACARS 天线在尾部,垂直翼下)已经没入水中(different 介质),信号就可能。。。。你懂的! |
The search for MH370 would have been hopeless had it not been fitted with a system called Classic Aero, a type of Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) which transmits data on location, altitude, heading and speed. ACARS, as we now know, can be turned off manually, via a switch on the ceiling of the cockpit or behind the throttles between the pilot and co-pilot. MH370’s ACARS system was switched off at 1.21am on March 8, two minutes after the pilots’ last verbal communication with the ground. It is this deliberate act that has convinced investigators the pilots were on some form of suicide mission. But Classic Aero also has a second terminal that operates independently of ACARS and cannot be switched off while the aircraft still has power. Once every hour the system sends out a “ping” to satellites operated by Inmarsat. The pings play no part in ACARS, and merely serve to synchronise timing information and keep the connection to the satellite network alive. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/malaysia/10720009/MH370-Britain-finds-itself-at-centre-of-blame-game-over-crucial-delays.html |
"a second terminal that operates independently of ACARS",这个是和ACARS完全不同的系统, ACARS在有地面站时,发射VHF波段的信号,而没有地面站的场合(印度洋),是发射HF(高频,3-30MHz)信号到卫星。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_Communications_Addressing_and_Reporting_System 而前面我们一直讲的用来做多普勒分析的ping信号,是L-波段(40-60GHz)信号,基本上是卫星发送,飞机答复,所谓握手者也。 总之,我觉得ping信号和ACARS是不同的两个系统。 ![]() |
Classic Aero, a type of Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) which transmits data on location, altitude, heading and speed. 开始,听电视上某些专家说,波音777有两套 ACARS 系统,俺也是有些困惑。其实,握手的”ping“信号是由Classic Aero (sort of ACARS)发出的。载有飞机参数数据是由正常的ACARS送出的(被关掉了) 本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2014-3-26 0:42:47 |
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今天各国飞机,舰船将会对法国卫星发现的122片debris in ocean进行核查,可能打捞。俺真希望这些debris跟失联MH370相关。但是,这些debris的位置实在让俺猜疑。这些debris的位置似乎离“可能出事”的地点太远,又太靠近南印度洋海流”涡旋“的中心。也就是说,很可能是南印度洋上多年积累的海洋垃圾的集中地。 焦急的等待! ![]() ![]() 本贴由[salmonfish]最后编辑于:2014-3-26 17:29:28 |
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