你那里比咱这儿冷啊! |
去年3月10号,都那么大了: |
也就两个星期,结束了,哈。 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
倔强而可爱的生命和希望。 --- |
¶ When the girls go on trips, they write reports on what they have seen, even if their school does not require it. ¶ Technology is for weekends. Malia may use her cellphone only then, and she and her sister cannot watch television or use a computer for anything but homework during the week. ¶ Malia and Sasha had to take up two sports: one they chose and one selected by their mother. “I want them to understand what it feels like to do something you don’t like and to improve,” the first lady has said. ¶ Malia must learn to do laundry before she leaves for college. ¶ The girls have to eat their vegetables, and if they say that they are not hungry, they cannot ask for cookies or chips later. “If you’re full, you’re full,” Mrs. Obama said in an interview with Ladies’ Home Journal. “I don’t want to see you in the kitchen after that.” 中文来源: http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2014/03/23/3120821.html 奥巴马的女儿玛利亚和萨莎,行为举止格外端庄得体。《纽约时报》为此挖出了几条奥巴马夫人米歇尔的家规。这些家规,当然不能保证培养出杰出的女儿来。但是,毕竟米歇尔是位受了一流教育、并把自己主要的精力投入到孩子教育上的母亲。 第一,每次出门旅行,不管学校是否要求,都必须写一篇旅行报告,讲讲自己看到了什么。我一向认为,写作是帮助思考、观察的最好武器。有个故事说,一位世界著名的海洋生物学家收了个博士,年轻人第一天来到实验室,得到的任务是观察一条鱼,并报告其所有的特征。他半个小时就大功告成,结果导师直摇头,说他什么都看不到。反复几次,导师还是摇头,说他目不识泰山。直到他最后开始画那条鱼,才发现有那么多东西自己居然没看到!写作对于思想和观察而言,也是如此。 第二,平时不许使用科技产品。奥巴马14岁的大女儿,也只有周末才能动手机。两个女儿不到周末不能看电视,计算机只能在做作业时才用。在苹果产品成为青年时尚的今天,这样的规矩十分重要。要知道,硅谷那些高科技工程师,往往把自己的孩子送进禁止使用计算机的“低科技”学校。真正的创造,还是要徒手培养。 第三,玛利亚和萨莎必须参加两种体育训练。一种是她们自己挑选的,一种是米歇尔规定的。理由是:你不仅要体会干自己喜欢的事情的乐趣,还要知道怎么干自己不喜欢的事并不断进步。这在当今过分以孩子为中心的教育风潮中,实在是个好规矩。 第四,孩子们必须吃完蔬菜。如果说饱了,那就离开饭桌,不到吃饭时间不能回来。当然,“第一家庭”肯透露给媒体的,总是正面的东西,未必代表其教育的全部。这对于我们并无关紧要。重要的是上述几条规矩所体现的良性原则。在我看来,孩子之所以总喜欢电视和网上的垃圾,总爱吃垃圾食品,是因为他们的脑子和肚子里健康的东西太少。孩子像块海绵,不停地从周围的环境中吸收水分。而家长的职责,是给孩子提供充分的净水。 |
http://shine.yahoo.com/helping-kids/obamas-strict-rules-sasha-malia-192100055.html They can't watch much TV. "We have clear rules about screen time and TV time. None during the week if it doesn't involve schoolwork," she said. They're allowed some TV time on the weekends, but even then "I try to fill up their weekends with a lot of stuff so they wind up missing that, too," Mrs. Obama confided. "It's like, sports and games, and then, oh, it's bedtime, so sorry you didn't get your TV time in." No R-rated movies for pre-teens. While Malia, 14, has gone to a few R-rated movies (after they've been vetted by her parents), Sasha, 11, is not allowed to watch R-rated movies at all, and even kid-centric TV shows get monitored. "Nowadays, sometimes what's on the kid programming, some of that teenage programming is pretty high-level stuff, too," the first lady said. "So you find that you have to constantly just be engaged with them and hear what they're learning and talk to them about the shows that they're watching." They can only have healthy snacks. "We have fruit. We have some cereals, some crackers, nuts, dried foods that are out," Mrs. Obama said. "We try to put out healthy snacks in clear containers, because seeing dried fruit gives the kids the idea, 'Oh, yes, if I'm hungry I could really have this or the nuts or the soybean things.' And my whole thing is if you're really hungry, you can have that. If you don't really want it, then you're not really hungry." They must play a team sport. "Sports is an expectation, and we say it's an expectation because it's about good health," the first lady said. "It's about learning how to play on a team, learning how to lose, learning how to win gracefully, learning how to trash talk and not get your feelings hurt." Individual sports are great, but "I think team sports are important particularly for girls, where they learn the camaraderie of being dependent on other people for the victory," she told Yahoo! Shine in April. "And I think my girls need to learn how to compete. Whether they choose to do it long term, I just think it's an important opportunity for girls to have." Quitting is not allowed. "Kids tend to quit when it starts getting hard, which means that's when they're starting to learn something," Mrs. Obama told Yahoo! Shine. "And that's the tough time to continue to make them go to that tennis lesson. Even though Malia was complaining about it, she now loves tennis. And now she's saying, 'Well, I'm glad you made me keep taking tennis.' " 本贴由[大清太平]最后编辑于:2014-3-24 0:3:16 |
明天俺就让俺的小朋友自己读读,然后约法三章,看她再敢和我 arguing 不过她平常本来不看电视;让她写report可能正中下怀 --- |
俺家丫头的房间乱极了,俺都不愿进去 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
上网,很烦人 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
恭喜您家闺女长大了 |
一个道理! |
有其父必有其女,哈 本贴由[veil]最后编辑于:2014-3-24 11:4:27 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
随机应变!以不变之心应万变之理!鱼兄高人也。 |
俺这里预报即将来的暴风雪很可怕呢. |
俺还能怎么说呢? --- |
她很小的时候,就有人预测,将来娘俩万一干架,认输的一定是娘 --- 拜晴MM所赐, 帅 |
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