A little humor for your enjoy.
What is Political?
A five-year old boy asks his father about the political.
Boy: Dad, what does the Political mean?
Dad: Son, for you, it is too complicated to understand. Well, let me make it this way, I earn the money for our family, so called me “The Capitalism”, and your mother manages all the money, and take care your needs so you are called “The People” while your mother is called “The Government”, and your nanny, we may call her “The Working Class”, and your baby brother is called “The Future”. You got it?
Boy: um…
The boy went to bed at the night and thinking about what his dad told about the political. Sundenly, on the middle night, he heard his baby brother crying loudly, and no adult responded for that, so he got up and found the baby completely soiled his diaper. The boy went to his nanny’s room, from the key hole he saw his father was on the bed with the nanny… he gave up and went to his parent’s room, his mother was snoring…. Helpless, he went back to bed…
Next morning…
Boy: Dad, I got it, the political is: When the Capitalism is screwing the Working Class, the Government is sound sleep, while the People is neglected so that the Future is in a deep shit.
此幽默翻成中文就没味道了。 有哪位高人能将它译成中文而又不失其原来风味?
一个五岁的孩子问爸爸什么是政治。 儿:爸,什么是政治? 爸:孩子,这可有点复杂。这么说吧,你看,我帮家里挣钱,你可以说我是“资本主义”;你妈管钱,她就是“政府”;你要花钱还要妈照顾,所以你是“人民”。咱家褓母的呢,你可以说她是“劳动阶层”;而你的小弟弟就是“未来”。懂了吗? 儿:嗯~~~ 孩子晚上睡觉,还在琢磨这事儿。半夜,他突然听见弟弟使劲哭而没人管,就起来去看,结果发现弟弟的尿片里全是屎。他跑到褓母门前,从锁眼看见爸爸正在和褓母翻云覆雨……。于是他又去找妈,结果妈是鼾声震天……。他只好自己回去睡觉。 第二天…… 儿:爸,我懂了。政治嘛,就是:资本主义可以随便玩弄劳动阶层,政府只管蒙头大睡,人民受到忽视,未来就在屎里呆着吧。 |
以前看过,很有意思 |
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