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♫ Roses Are Red By Bobby Vinton ♫

热度 2已有 16934 次阅读2014-12-12 16:56 |个人分类:音乐欣赏|系统分类:2-原创音画

Roses Are Red

A long, long time ago, on graduation day,,

You handed me your book, I signed this way.

Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.

We dated through high school, and when the big day came,

I wrote into your book, next to my name.

Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.

Then I went far away and you found someone new.

I read your letter dear, and I wrote back to you.

Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet, my love,
but not as sweet as you.

Is that your little girl? She looks a lot like you.

Someday some boy will write in her book, too.

Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.

Bobby Vinton - Roses Are Red (My Love).mp3







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回复 lwk1 2020-11-23 02:31
Then I went far away and you found someone new.


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